Chapter 6

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I look up at the towering structure, my gaze sweeping up the magnificent structure of the White Gold Star-the largest castle on the entire continent. It is an imposing sight, its gleaming spires and ramparts are a testament to the power and wealth of the Jenon Empire.

The Jenon Empire had not always been so prosperous. According to the historical records, it had once been a poor county, ruled over by a cruel and heartless kingdom that showed no mercy, especially to the noble class whom they deemed worthless. As the ruler of this dry, eastern land, Count Linden Jenon had struggled to provide his people with a good life. Yet, he was said to be the only noble who truly cared about the suffering of the common folk.

One fateful day, the count happened upon a helpless demi-human being sold at the capital's town square, during a grand celebration marking the kingdom's founding. He could have easily turned a blind eye, but something compelled him to act. At great personal expense, he purchased the girl and took her back to his own lands.

Despite her demi-human heritage, the people of Runius County-as the region was known then-welcomed the girl with open arms. For six years, she lived among them, unaware that she was in fact a fallen celestial, punished for a crime and condemned to wander timelines and universes, facing untold suffering and death, only to be reborn and continue the cycle.

It was the count and his people who finally broke that cycle, accepting the girl for who she was and fulfilling the condition required to free her from the repulsion curse. Upon her ascension back to her own realm, she bestowed a remarkable gift upon the count and his people-the ability to wield magic, on a scale never before seen outside of the royal bloodline.

Upon Count Jenon, a remarkable blessing is bestowed-the gift of mana. This endows him and his future generations with a deep and abiding connection to the very essence of magic itself. As a result, they possess not just one, but usually three or more powerful gifts, chief among them the ability to generate and manipulate light, as well as divine energy.

This mana-infused heritage is reflected in their physical features-the shimmering golden hue of their hair, and the captivating ruby eyes that are a testament to the fallen celestial's love and favor. But the blessings do not end there. They are also imbued with the indomitable will and absolute command of a powerful sacred beast, a gift passed down only to the firstborn child of each generation.

With these incredible gifts at their disposal, Count Jenon was able to transform his lands, breaking free from the tyrannical grip of the evil kingdom that once ruled over them. Soon, the Jenon Kingdom became the mightiest in all the continent, the only realm where every individual possessed some form of magical ability. Neighboring kingdoms, envious of this power, began sending their daughters to marry into Jenon County, hoping that their descendants might also be blessed with such gifts.

Within a decade, the Jenon Kingdom had completely subsumed its former overlord, becoming a true imperial power.

But the story takes an intriguing turn with the birth of King Linden's third great-grandson, a blind and sickly prince named Linden Jenon III. Wracked by an excess of mana that his frail body could scarcely contain, the young prince seemed ill-equipped to hold onto the throne, as rival factions began vying for power.

Yet, fate had other plans. It was then that the prince met the legendary snow dragon, Eirwen, who had made her home in the northern mountains. The details of their meeting and courtship are shrouded in mystery, but what is known is that the mighty dragon not only saved the ailing prince but also extended her protective embrace over the Jenon Kingdom, warding off the kingdoms that sought to challenge its supremacy. And that is how the Jenon Empire came to be.

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