Chapter 7

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I stay rooted on the spot, staring blankly into the distance with my lips parted and my eyes glazed over in shock. My brain is still struggling to fully process the new information, wrestling with the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within me. Saying I am simply in shock would be a gross understatement-it is a dizzying mixture of bewilderment, fear, confusion, and, for some strange and unfathomable reason, a faint glimmer of excitement, though that last feeling is dull and muted.

As I slowly begin to think everything through, the process feels heavy and laborious in my mind. I had meticulously planned my path forward, determined to divorce the duke and forge my independent future, free from the constraints that had shackled me for so long. But now, those carefully laid plans lie in ruins, shattered by this unexpected and unwelcome development. A sense of utter betrayal courses through me, the burning outrage at being deceived once more threatening to consume my very being. He showed me that I was not as smart as I had believed.

Considering the fact that I have managed to escape years of torment and submission, I suppose I should give myself some credit for persevering when I should have lost all will. And yet, it still feels woefully inadequate. On a different note, the immense pressure and desperation to get away from Warrin have only further blinded my reasoning, and Duke Clorance-Kai-has used that against me. I hadn't expected him to... well, I hadn't really thought anything through at all, and now the consequence of my mistake is an eternal marriage.

But why would he do something like this? If the rumors about the successor of the snow dragon are true, then he already has a mate somewhere. Unless he doesn't believe in that tradition and simply wants to trap me with him for eternity. And that would mean that the emperor has asked him to do so, to keep someone with a precious gift like my foresight within the family. While the duke himself may have no use for my abilities, his brother certainly would, and from what I remember, the duke has never shown much interest in women, so marrying me-his old friend-wouldn't be a bad deal for him.

Despite my better judgment, a part of me still clings to the belief that true love and happiness can be found, that there is someone out there who will accept me, gift and all, and see me for the person I truly am. The thought of starting anew, of leaving this empire behind and seeking a fresh start on another continent, fills me with a cautious excitement-a chance to shed the burdens of my past and forge my own destiny. But now I'm trapped in this marriage, I can't fulfill my dreams except if he dies, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'll kill that vicious scammer!

But these contemplations are rudely interrupted as my gaze falls upon the regal figure before me, and I am utterly transfixed.

She stands tall and radiant, her light brown tresses cascading down in gently undulating waves that frame her delicate features. Her emerald eyes sparkle with an otherworldly luminescence, akin to the verdant splendor of a forest in the height of spring. Her porcelain skin, smooth and unblemished, gives the impression of freshly fallen snow, seemingly aglow with an inner light that captivates the senses.

Standing before me is the person rightfully named the most beautiful and graceful woman in the empire, Empress Anilia, the beloved wife of the emperor and mother of his three children.

I am momentarily rendered speechless, my previous tempestuous emotions subdued by the sheer majesty and grace that emanates from this woman. She commands an aura of serenity and wisdom that leaves me feeling small and insignificant in her presence, yet there is also a warmth and compassion that radiates from her very being, putting me at ease despite the turmoil raging within.

Empress Anilia was known as the "flower of the empire" long before she ever became the emperor's wife. Her beauty was nothing short of otherworldly, as if a divine goddess had chosen to grace the mortal realm with her presence. But what made Anilia truly extraordinary was not just her captivating visage, but her unparalleled wisdom and knowledge.

In fact, she was revered by many under the esteemed titles of "flower of wisdom," "wise rose," and even "Melis" - the latter being a nod to the goddess of wisdom and success. Such was the depth of her intellect and understanding that she was literally seen as a conduit to the divine.

Anilia's family treasured her so deeply that they had long shielded her from the prospect of an arranged marriage, unwilling to part with their precious gem. It was not until the current emperor, then the crown prince, confessed his love for her that she finally agreed to tie the knot. I did not witness the proposal myself, but the story of that fateful moment, when the usually composed "flower of wisdom" shed tears in public, is still being told in social gatherings and remains one of the most beloved love tales in the empire.

Their union is truly a great love story, and perhaps the only reason the people do not fear the emperor's excessive devotion to his younger brother.

"See? Told you she'd snap out of it after she finished plotting my demise," Kai's voice suddenly interrupts my reverie. I turn my bewildered gaze to find him leaning against the banister at the end of the staircase, where the empress now stands, his arms folded and a smirk playing on his lips. It takes me a few seconds to realize that Kai must have dragged me inside while I was lost in my own thoughts.

'Goodness, how much more can I embarrass myself?' I muse, placing my palm against my forehead in dismay. Kai bursts into laughter, already making his way up the stairs, with the empress watching him fondly, a warm smile gracing her exquisite features.

Kai casually waves his hand, his tone tinged with laughter and joy, even as he continues climbing the stairs without turning around. "I'm leaving for a bit, Lee. My sister-in-law will take care of you and fill you in on the rest. You can kill me later," he calls out over his shoulder.

I glare daggers into his retreating back, my lips twisted in a scowl and my teeth worrying my bottom lip in frustration. But the sound of the empress clearing her throat causes me to gasp in alarm, my face flushing with embarrassment as I realize my lapse in etiquette.

Quickly composing myself, I dip into a deep, respectful bow, my hands clasped together in a traditional gesture of reverence. "Her Imperial Majesty," I begin, my voice trembling slightly. "I'm so terribly sorry. I'm still... overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, and I didn't mean to neglect my proper greeting. Please, accept my most humble apologies."

The empress regards me with a raised eyebrow, her expression unreadable. "It's quite alright," she says, her voice firm yet not unkind. "No harm is done. We are all still reeling from the shock of your sudden marriage, after all." She pauses, a small, enigmatic smile playing on her lips. "But as you are now a member of our family, I will treat you as such."

I rise from my deep bow, my face still flushed with residual embarrassment. Nodding respectfully, I try my best to conceal the lingering nervousness within. "Thank you for your gracious understanding, Your Majesty," I begin, my voice steady despite the flutter of my heart. "In that case, allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Taleesa Freya Hevah, but henceforth, I shall be known as Clorance. It is truly an honor to stand before you, the wise moon of our empire."

The empress regards me with a small, warm smile. "You can call me Anilia from now on. After all, we are sisters from this day forward."

I stare at her, my eyes wide with bewilderment. Me? The sister of the revered empress? My face grows even hotter with profound humility and gratitude. Yet, I cannot help but beam at her, my heart swelling with joy. "As you wish, Anilia," I breathe, the words feeling both foreign and familiar on my tongue. "You're right, it will be easier to speak informally. I shall do as you wish."

The whole experience feels like a surreal, fairytale-esque dream. Emiliana, my envy-stricken sister, would surely collapse in shock if she learned that I now address the empress so casually. Oh, how I cannot wait to see her reaction!

Anilia's gentle voice pulls me from my thoughts. "Now, come. You must change into something more befitting, and then join us for dinner. There is much for us to discuss and catch up on."

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