Chapter 4

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My eyes blink rapidly as my mind struggles to process the suggestion that has just been put forth. Part of me doubts whether I have even heard correctly, but the slack-jawed expression etched upon Lord Jean's face serves as a stark reality check.

Duke Clorance reclines in his seat, his fingers idly stroking his chin as he maintains a carefully neutral expression. The slightest twitch at the corner of his lips hints that he might speak, but his mouth remains still and unmoving. I slowly begin to internalize the weight of his proposition, letting it seep into every corner of my consciousness.

Shifting my gaze, I find myself locking eyes with Kai - the boy I once cared for so deeply, now a man shrouded in an inscrutable demeanor, one that conceals secrets I can no longer hope to unravel. A heaviness settles in the pit of my stomach as I realize I can no longer trust him.

I tilt my head back, staring up at the ceiling as my lips bend into a frown and my brows knit together. A fleeting thought crosses my mind - perhaps I am being too hasty in my judgment. But then, the memories of my past life come flooding back, a torrent that drowns out any semblance of doubt.

How foolish I have been to trust, without reservation, every single member of my family. My parents betrayed me, happily condoning the affair between my husband and my own sister. And my sister - she stabbed me in the heart by pursuing my husband. Even the friends I once counted on kept the knowledge of their betrayal a secret from me.

Sighing heavily, I force myself to be honest. I have been an exceptional fool. Everyone in our social circle, even the lowliest of slaves, knew of the affair - everyone, that is, except for me. I want to blame the fact that I was banned from speaking to others, but deep down, I know that if I had truly been smart, I would have uncovered the truth on my own. But what then? I had no allies, no one to turn to for support. Warrin would have found a way to make my life even more miserable.

Despite the dire circumstances, and even though I know I have no one to turn to, I had still foolishly put my trust in everyone around me. I can't afford to be that naive again, not after being betrayed so thoroughly. The very thought of trusting someone like Kai, who has not even bothered to send a single word of greeting in the past twelve years-a man now feared throughout the empire-fills me with disgust. No, I will never make that mistake again.

I tilt my head down slightly and force a sweet smile onto my lips. "What are the terms of this contract you propose?" I ask, leaning forward and resting my elbow on my knee so I can support my head by cradling my cheek in my palm. The movement allows me to observe the men's reactions more closely.

Duke Clorance lifts his gaze and speaks a single word, "Jean," in a soft, measured tone. Lord Jean's brow creased with evident astonishment, and he nods with understanding. "Good," the duke says, as Lord Jean crosses to the desk, retrieving a leather-bound book and a fountain pen. He returns to Clorance's side, the sharp nib of the pen poised over the page, ready to document the terms of our agreement.

"Lady Hevah," Lord Jean begins, his eyes intently focused on the open book before him, his furrowed brow betraying his deep concentration, "what is it you hope to gain from this marriage? Protection from Lord Reidwood, I assume, is of paramount importance. But is there anything else you require?"

I twist my lips, pondering whether I should reveal the full extent of my desires to these men before me. I do not trust them, and doing so could very well backfire, but if I do not state my true intentions now, then there will be no reason for me to agree to the proposal. With a steely gaze, I stare directly at Lord Jean, my eyes alight with determination. "I want him dead," I state, the words leaving my lips with unwavering conviction.

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