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Today, September 15th, makes two years since I've been with my boyfriend Mason and to be honest I wasn't even excited for the day.

When I woke up this morning he wasn't beside me which was odd to me at first but I figured he was called into work early. When four o'clock came along and Mason still didn't show up I grew curious again. He hasn't even called or texted me all day which is starting to piss me off.

Now it being seven o'clock I dialed his number for the tenth time and again no answer. I tried a couple more times and nothing. I sighed and leaned back against the head board contemplating if I should walk down the street to the pub or wait for Mason, yell at him and then leave for the pub. I was already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, in case Mason came home to tell me we were gonna go to dinner or something. Now I highly doubt that'll happen.

As I stood up to go to the pub I heard the front door of our apartment open and Mason's voice but he wasn't alone. I got closer to the door hearing... giggling?

"Mmm Julie we better make this a quickie before Kennedy gets back."

My jaw dropped and I balled my fists in anger. This asshole is cheating on me... on our anniversary!

I let out a low growl and grabbed my duffel bag from under the bed and packed all my things I brought for myself which wasn't much. Once my duffel and backpack were full I swung the door open hearing moans coming from the living room. I rolled my eyes and walked out to see Mason and a red headed slut half naked on the couch. I grabbed Mason by his hair, pulling him off this Julie slut who looked pretty shocked to see me.

"What the fuck?" He turns around and looked up at me with eyes wide and alert. He stands up immediately and I cross my arms over my chest. "Kennedy it's not what it looks like." He whispered while coming closer to me.

Seriously? It's not what it looks like?

In a blink of an eye my right hand swept across his face. A loud pop being heard making Julie gasp in shock.

"Real fucking nice Mason! Cheating on me on our two year anniversary?!" I yelled looking down at him.

"And you," I point at the pathetic excuse of human flesh in front of me.

"Be happy I'm not gonna waste my time kicking your ass." I spat and stormed out the door and in my car. I threw both bags in the backseat but before I could get in the driver seat Mason grabbed my arm and pinned me to the car.

"You're not going anywhere." He growled in my ear. His grip on my arm was tight and I knew it would form a bruise soon. We fought a lot so bruises weren't a big deal to me. I kneed him where the sun isn't supposed to shine making him double over.

I got in the car and speed off to the airport leaving him on the cold concrete floor of the parking lot.

As I got closer to the airport, I ditched the car and ran inside the Richmond International Airport getting the first flight to London. Sooner or later Mason will find the car and he can do what he wants with it. There's nothing in my name so I'm not responsible for anything I'm leaving before.

When I got my ticket I had a good twenty minutes before boarding so after checking my bag in I sat down and waited. I pulled my phone out and text the one person I could always count on,

Kenny – I'm on my way home xx

I turned my phone on airplane mode as they called my flight for boarding. I plugged my headphones in and handed the woman my ticket. In minutes I was in my seat and up in the air on my way back home to England. I ended up listening to Panic! At the Disco on repeat the whole plane ride. I think I slept only a good three hours the whole time.

I was happy I was finally away from Mason and his shit but I was scared to go back home. Everyone was really upset when I left to America with Mason. Hopefully they'll forgive me.

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