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I woke up to the sound of light rain drops hitting the window and the smell of tea sneaking in through the cracked open door. Oh how I missed this.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up seeing the grey clouds in the sky and the gloomy scenery outside the window. It was weird seeing this sight again because it's been so long since I've been home. I removed the dark grey covers and made my way out the cozy room and down to the kitchen where I saw Louis making tea.

"I can get used to this." I joked taking a sip from his mug.

He glared at me and took his mug back. "Mine!"

"You love me." I pointed out and he chuckles.

"I do but that doesn't mean you can have my tea."

I smiled and thanked him for the tea he poured for me. We stood there in silence sipping from our mugs until I realized Harry wasn't here. "Where is everybody?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Niall has a doctors appointment, Harry went to the shops and told me to accompany you and Liam is out with some girl I believe."

I nodded and mentally frowned at the fact Liam and Sophia aren't together anymore. I actually liked Sophia. I honestly thought I wasn't going to but she was very sweet and nice.

"Get dressed Kenny. We're having a brother sister afternoon." Louis declared after finishing his mug.

I smiled and nodded before going back to Harry's room. I went through my duffel and took out some knickers and clothes. I showered quickly, changing into dark jeans, a grey t-shirt and turquoise scarf before putting my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head. I applied a thin line of eyeliner and was done. My skin is fairly clear so I don't wear much makeup especially when it's raining plus Louis hates when I wear makeup. I rather not get lectured by Louis cause it'll end up in a fist fight with me and him.

Once I grabbed my bag Louis came knocking on the door so we could leave.

"Wait." I said and stepped back into the kitchen.

I grabbed a sticky note and a marker and wrote a note,

Going out with Lou

–Kennedy xx

"Oh Kennedy." Louis sang getting impatient. I rolled my eyes and put the sticky note on the fridge before rushing out the door.

"Twinning!" Louis gushed pointing down at our matching Vans.

I rolled my eyes playfully as we got in his car and headed down to the closest diner for lunch.

"Were you serious about moving back here?" He asks and I nodded.

"I barely had any friends in Virginia and I've missed you lot too much." I said honestly.

"Are you getting your own flat alone? You can always stay with Harry. I'm sure he won't mind you being around." I smiled at his point but shook my head, "Yeah but after a while I'll feel like a burden. I was going to go searching for a flat soon."

"You have money for a flat?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"I do actually. When I was in Richmond, Mason never let me pay for anything so all my checks for working in that damn café and money from doing makeup for two years is way more than enough."

He nodded and we got off the topic of me before talking about tour while we ate. After we ate we went to the shops and I brought some clothes since I don't have much. A few fans came up to Louis, some even came up to me and I was shocked no one asked who I was. I kind of expected people to ask since I haven't been with the boys in a long time.

After hours of shopping and goofing around we went back to the boy's street and we went to Louis' flat since neither of us had keys to Harry's flat. I wonder where he is. Its half past six now and he still isn't back. I decided to text him but after ten minutes of waiting for a reply I grew worried.

"Lou do you know where Harry went exactly?" I asked debating if I should text the rest of the boys if they've seen him.

"No he didn't say. Why?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

I sighed and looked down at the phone I have to soon replace. "I'm starting to worry about him. He's been gone since morning."

He shook his head laughing and I looked up at him in confusion. "You're such a mum."

I rolled my eyes and hit him with one of the decorative pillows on his couch. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I saw it was a text from Harry,

Harold❤️ - Where am I? Where are you?! Xx

Kenny💜 - I left a note! Xx

He texted me back saying he was home so I grabbed my shopping bags to leave.

"Thanks for the brother sister day Lou. I really appreciated it." I said giving him a tight hug.

"Any time Ken." He said walking me to the door.

I made the short trip down the steps and towards Harry's flat which was just two doors down. I knocked on the door and in seconds the door flung open revealing a grinning Harry. He pulled me in by my waist and pecked my forehead which shocked me.

"Somebody is in a good mood." I said as he took my shopping bags from my hand and placed them on the floor.

He looked down at me with his famous smirk and gestured for me over to the kitchen. I slowly made my way over to him and it hit me. The smell of fresh lilies and ingredients to make baked ziti was laid out on the counter. I looked at Harry with a grin and saw he matched my expression. Looks like we're cooking tonight.

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