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I woke up to the light beaming through the window which was a first. I tried getting out of bed but Harry's arms were around my waist holding me down securely.

"Harry." I whined trying to loosen his grip. He groaned in response, pulling me closer to his bare chest.

"You're warm." He mumbled in a groggily tired tone - that I have to admit was very sexy.

I sighed and glared up at him. "I want to do my morning jog and you're preventing it."

"Morning jog?" He questions furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yes. I jog in the morning now let me go." I said pushing at his warm chest.

He groaned and let me go. I got out of bed and changed into black running shorts, a lime green and grey sports bra with matching lime green running sneakers. I picked my hair up in a high ponytail and quickly brushed my teeth before exiting the bathroom. I went back to Harry's room seeing he had gym shorts and running sneakers on himself. He looked up at me casually and gave me a cheeky smile.

"Ready?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You're gonna jog with me?" I giggle and he nods like it was the most obvious thing ever.

I shrug. "Okay. Just try and keep up Styles."

He scoffs and started babbling on about him doing laps around me. Once we got to the bottom of the steps we concluded on making a bet. Whoever makes it to the park first wins, loser makes breakfast.

"Hope you can make pancakes Love." Harry jokes and I roll my eyes.


"I like my eggs sunny side up sweet cheeks!" I yell as I jog into the room getting new clothes to put on.

I heard him groan as he made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast. After all that smack talk I beat him by a meter. Least to say he was shocked that he'd lost.

Once I grabbed my things I turned around seeing Harry was at the doorway with a playful pout on his lips. He was now shirtless, his entire body glistening with sweat and his hair had little droplets of sweat as well. It took all my will power to only look at his face but I failed epically.

"Like what you see Love?" He jokes walking up to me. His chest almost pressing against mine, head tilted down to look me in the eye.

"Shouldn't you be making me breakfast young Styles?" I avoided his question looking up at his now vibrant green eyes.

He stared down at my brown ones and I couldn't help but smile. His smile slowly appeared on his lips too and a giggle slipped through my lips.

"Have I told you how much I liked your tattoos?" He said eyeing my left forearm.

Another giggle surpasses and I looked down at the black ink that formed a portrait of my nana and her name below it on my left inner forearm. The black cross that is identical to Harry's followed suit on my left hand. Least to say Mason was pissed me and Harry had meaningless matching tattoos but I simply didn't really care for his opinion.

"I remember that day like it was just yesterday." He whispers as he took my left hand in his right. "You were so excited to commemorate your Nan you didn't even cry."

I looked back up at him still with a smile on my face, "I also remember you being the one squeezing my hand while I got it done."

He chuckled and I then took in Harry's beauty. His long curls pushed off from his face, his green eyes that I can look at forever, those dimples of his, his laugh, his smile, his everything. I can't believe I'm saying this but damn my best friend is hot.

Suddenly I realized his face was getting closer and closer to mine. My heart was pounding against my chest and I was mentally freaking out. Is he about to kiss me? Should I kiss back if he does? Do I want to kiss him? Harry's my best friend and I don't wanna jeopardize that. But oh my gosh I really wanna kiss him right now. His lips were just an inch away and before I closed my eyes there was a knock on the door. I stepped back and looked down at my feet. My cheeks were probably hot pink by now.

"I-I'm gonna go take a shower." I tell him before walking towards the bathroom almost hitting the door frame in the process.

As I shut the bathroom door I heard the front door open. I heard Liam's voice and I sighed. If Liam wouldn't have knocked on the door what would have happened?

You would've kissed your best friend of ten years duh yah twat

I shook my head ignoring the sassy voice in my head and started the shower. I washed up quickly and changed into leggings and a t-shirt. I combed through my wet hair before blow drying it. I looked around in my makeup bag for my chap stick but couldn't find it. I swear I go through Chap Stick like water. I tossed my makeup bag in my duffel before proceeding onwards to the kitchen where Harry was almost done with my breakfast.

"Looks delicious." I complimented taking a seat on top of the counter.

He looks over at me and smirks, "It'll taste delicious too."

"I'll be the judge of that Styles." I mock taking his phone which was just lying on the counter.

He didn't seem to mind since he didn't react. I unlocked his phone since I've seen him put the passcode in numerous times already and noticed his background. It was an old picture of me and him from the Where We Are Tour. We were on one of the couches in the dressing room, my head on his lap as I laughed - probably because of one of his ridiculous knock knock jokes - and he was smiling down at me.

I noticed how happy we looked - how happy I looked.

I was going through problems with Mason before I left to see the boys and I wasn't my usual happy, goofy self. It all changed when I was with them though. I was always happy around them and I even forgot about Mason for a while. It was weird how everyone thought me and Harry were in a secret relationship when really we're just friends. Just friends...

"Order up Miss. Love!" Harry cheers, standing in front of me with a plate of eggs, bacon and three small pancakes.

I looked up from his phone and smile at him. "Thank you." I whispered, putting his phone down and grabbing the plate.

Just Friends...

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