Chapter 3

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He made to leave.

Shen Qiao portrayed a confused and slightly conflicted look.

"You're leaving?"

He swore he saw a hint of a real smile paint itself upon Yan Wushi's face.

"Want me to stay do you?"


"A-Qiao~ talk to me~ you want me to stay~"

Shen Qiao didn't look at him, his face tinted with red. Yan Wushi of course, found this very amusing.

"Perhaps i'll stay...but you have to admit to wanting me to be here first~" Yan Wushi continued to tease.


"I'll be taking my leave then."

He left without another word.

Shen Qiao was slightly angry at himself for not stopping him. Despite wanting to be alone at first, he was oddly sad that Yan Wushi had left. He sat and muddled over the story Yan Wushi had told him earlier... Was the message behind it important? Or was he being teased again?

Shen Qiao continued musing over these thoughts...

Then, all of a sudden, something seemed to click inside Shen Qiao's brain, it was like when those detectives in those murder mystery programs had finally figured out the killer.

Oh my god...

Shen Qiao practically ran out the coffee shop, hoping to catch Yan Wushi to confirm his suspicions.

The rain was starting to pick up again. Just my luck! He stopped and looked around, but unfortunately, I couldn't see any sign of Yan Wushi. He just stood there, in the pouring rain, wondering what on earth to do now...

After a few minutes, he decided to head home. Yet, just as he turned round, he bumped right into someone. He was just about to apologise to the man until-

"A-Qiao! What a coincidence! Fancy bumping into you again!"

...There was no way that this was coincidence. He thought. Shen Qiao quickly pushed the thought aside, there were more pressing matters then that, which he needed to ask about.

"Mr Yan, there is something I need to inquire about."

Yan Wushi looked slightly amused and perhaps a little intrigued.

"Go on."



short chapter today :))

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