🐿️ Chapter-19🐿️

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As decided, Jimin and Hoseok went to Jimin's house in the evening

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As decided, Jimin and Hoseok went to Jimin's house in the evening. They were standing outside right now, gathering up the courage. After 5 minutes, Jimin used the password to open the door and both of them went inside.

"Uh, Hyung, why don't you sit here? I'll go and call Mom," Jimin suggested.

Hoseok nodded and made himself comfortable on the couch.

Jimin took a deep breath and headed toward the kitchen, where he knew his mom would likely be preparing dinner. He found Wendy chopping vegetables at the counter.

"Mom?" Jimin called softly.

Wendy turned around, smiling. "Chim, you're back! How's your friend doing?"

Jimin hesitated for a moment, then decided to dive in. "Mom, there's something I need to tell you. And...someone I need you to see."

Wendy's smile faded slightly as she sensed the seriousness in his tone. "Okay, Jimin. What's going on?"

Jimin took her hand and led her to the living room. As they entered, Wendy's eyes widened in shock at the sight of Hoseok sitting on the couch.

"H-Hobi?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hoseok stood up, looking equally nervous. "Hi, Mumma."

Wendy's eyes filled with tears as she looked between her two sons. "What's going on? Why are you here together?"

Jimin took a deep breath. "Mom, this is what we need to talk about," he took another deep breath. "Mom, Hobi Hyung is the CEO of the company where I work. He is my boss."

Wendy's eyes widened in shock, her gaze shifting between Hoseok and Jimin. "What? You've been working together this whole time and you didn't told me Chim?"

Hoseok nodded. "Mumma, it's true, and he didn't tell you because he was afraid of how you'd react. He was afraid that you would stop him from working there. We didn't plan for this, but...it just happened."

Wendy sat down, trying to process the information. "I don't understand. Why didn't you tell me sooner, Jimin?"

Jimin knelt beside her, taking her hand. "Mom, I was scared too. Everything's been so complicated, and I didn't want to hurt you more. But now, after everything that happened with Hobi Hyung's allergic reaction... him being admitted to the hospital and all...I realized we can't keep hiding. We need to be honest."

Wendy's eyes softened as she looked at her sons, "But Chim... wait, did you say something about Hobi being admitted to the hospital?" she asked shocked.

Hoseok winced slightly but nodded. "Uh... yes, Mumma. I had a severe allergic reaction to garlic at a party. Jimin got me to the hospital just in time. That's when everything started to come out."

Wendy's face paled as she processed this new information. "Oh my god, Hobi! Why didn't anyone tell me? Are you alright now?"

"I'm fine, Mumma," Hoseok reassured her, feeling happy to hear his mother's concern for him. "It was scary, but Jimin was there for me. He saved my life."

Jimin squeezed his mom's hand. "That's when I knew we had to come clean, Mom. We can't keep living with all these secrets."

"Mom, I also met Dad. And he is regretting everything. Mom, he wants another chance. Please, please talk with him and sort out everything. It's really tough living without Dad and Hobi Hyung. Please, Mom," Jimin pleaded with pain in his voice.

Wendy looked at Jimin, her heart breaking at the pain she saw in her son's eyes. "Oh, Jimin," she whispered, tears spilling over her cheeks. "I didn't know how much this has been hurting you."

She turned to Hoseok, her expression softening. "And you, Hobi. You've been so brave, both of you."

Hoseok squeezed her hand. "Mumma, we just want our family back. We're willing to do whatever it takes."

Wendy took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. "Alright. I'll talk to Yoongi. It's time we faced this together. For you two, for YN and for our family."

Jimin and Hoseok exchanged hopeful looks. "Thank you, Mom," Jimin said softly, relief evident in his voice.

Wendy pulled both of them into a hug, holding them close. "We'll get through this. Together."

Jimin and Hoseok looked at each other with smile. Finally, they had a hope. A hope of getting back together.

Now all they just wish was, the talk between Yoongi and Wendy don't bring any new chaos

Now all they just wish was, the talk between Yoongi and Wendy don't bring any new chaos

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Words Count- 800

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