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As cherry blossoms painted Tokyo in soft pink hues, Yūki found himself navigating the bustling campus of Chuo University's Tama Campus, where he had enrolled in the Faculty of Law to study Political Science. Across the city, at the Korakuen Campus, Asami was embarking on her own academic journey in Sociology also in the same university.

Yūki's POV

It's strange, starting this new chapter without... No, I won't even think her name. She left without a word, and I've moved on. Asami's been my rock through all of this. She is here, she's real, she cares. That's what I need to focus on. She's the one who matters now. I need to focus on my studies, on the university's volleyball team, on building a future. The past is behind me.

These law classes are challenging, but I'm determined to excel both on and off the court. Balancing volleyball and academics isn't easy, but I've never been one to shy away from a challenge. This is my chance to prove that I'm more than just an athlete. I can be an outstanding student too, someone who understands the complexities of the world beyond the volleyball court.

And yet... there's still that small part of me that wonders what she would think of all this. Would she be proud? Would she...? No. She made her choice. I need to make mine.

One afternoon, as Yūki was leaving his Constitutional Law lecture, his phone buzzed with a message from Asami:

"Hey, superstar! 😘 How about we meet halfway for coffee? I'm done with classes for the day."

Yūki smiled, quickly typing back:

"Sounds great. Ochanomizu Station in 30?"

As he made his way to the train station, Yūki reflected on how far he'd come. His selection for the Under-19 Men's National Team of Japan after high school had been a pivotal moment, opening doors he'd only dreamed of. Now, as a freshman in college, he was already making waves in the volleyball world.

At the coffee shop near Ochanomizu Station, Asami was waiting, her face lighting up as she saw Yūki approach.

"There's my superstar," she teased, standing to give him a quick kiss.

Yūki chuckled, sliding into the seat across from her. "How was your day?"

"Fascinating," Asami replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We had a lecture on social stratification in Japan. It's making me think about potential research topics. How about you? Conquering the world of law yet?"

"Hardly," Yūki laughed. "Constitutional Law is kicking my butt. But I'm not giving up. How about you tell me more about this social stratification thing? Sounds interesting."

Asami launched into an animated explanation, her hands gesturing excitedly as she spoke. Yūki found himself drawn in, asking questions and offering his own thoughts.

"You know," Asami said after a while, "I love how you always listen so attentively. It's one of the things I admire most about you, Yūki."

Yūki felt a warmth spread through his chest. "Well, you make it easy. You're passionate about what you're studying, and it's contagious."

As they chatted about their studies and Yūki's upcoming volleyball matches, he felt a sense of contentment. This was good, this was right. The pain of the past was fading, replaced by the promise of a future with Asami.

Meanwhile, across the world in Latina, Italy, Aika moved out from her parent's house as she acquired an apartment near her university; as she was settling into her own college routine at Sapienza University where she enrolled for the program journalism, the profession she always wanted since then. The vibrant campus of the university buzzed with energy, a melting pot of cultures and ideas that both excited and intimidated her.

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