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The warm summer evening buzzed with laughter and chatter as Aika and her friends gathered at a local drinking house to celebrate her first month as Taiwan Excellence Latina's media manager. The past month had been a whirlwind of new experiences, and even though the team's formal practices have yet to start in September, Aika had found time to settle into her role comfortably.

As they clinked glasses, Aika couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. She watched as Giulia effortlessly made bonds with Gio, Bianca, and Nico, her internship friends from Il Messaggero.

"To Aika," Giulia toasted, raising her glass. "One month down, and a brilliant career ahead!"

The others echoed the sentiment, their glasses meeting with a cheerful clink.

Bianca leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So, Aika, tell us more about your new job. What's it like being a media manager for a professional volleyball team?"

Aika smiled, feeling a warmth that wasn't just from the alcohol. "It's been incredible, honestly. Every day brings something new. I'm learning so much about the behind-the-scenes of professional sports, and I feel like I'm really making a difference."

Nico chimed in, "Any juicy insider gossip you can share with your old newspaper pals?"

Aika laughed, shaking her head. "Nice try, Nico. You know I can't reveal team secrets. But I can tell you that the energy in the team is amazing. Everyone's so focused and dedicated. It's inspiring."

As the night wore on and the conversation flowed as freely as the drinks, Aika found herself needing a moment of solitude. She quietly slipped outside, breathing in the cool night air.

Aika's POV

Standing here, under the stars, it's hard to believe how far I've come. A month ago, I was terrified of this new role, of the possibilities it might bring. Now, I feel... ready. Ready to take on whatever challenges come my way. Ready to build the career I've always dreamed of.

It's strange how life works out sometimes. A year ago, I was just a student journalist with a passion for sports and writing. Now, I'm living my dream, combining both in ways I never imagined possible. Sure, there have been ups and downs, moments of doubt and uncertainty. But standing here tonight, surrounded by friends who believe in me, I feel like I can conquer anything.

And yet... there's still a small part of me that wonders. About Yuki. About what could have been. It's been months since I've heard from him, and I've tried to convince myself that it's for the best. But on nights like this, when everything seems possible, I can't help but wonder if our paths will ever cross again.

Her quiet reflection was interrupted by Gio's concerned voice. "Aika? Everything okay out here?"

Aika turned, offering him a genuine smile. "I'm fine, Gio. Just... taking it all in, I guess."

Gio nodded, leaning against the wall beside her. "It's been quite a month for you, hasn't it?"

"It has," Aika agreed. She turned to face him fully. "Gio, I... I want to thank you again. For everything. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Gio waved off her thanks with a smile. "You don't need to thank me, Aika. I just did what anyone would do when they see real talent. You're going to go far in this industry, and it'll be because of your passion and skill. I'm proud of you."

"Still," Aika persisted, "your guidance, your trust in me... it means more than you know. There were times when I doubted myself, but your confidence in me never wavered. That made all the difference."

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