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The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the university campus as Aika hurried from her last class towards the volleyball team's practice venue. Her heart raced, not just from the brisk walk, but from the anticipation of seeing Yuki again. Despite her resolution to maintain professionalism, especially with the team's first game approaching rapidly, she couldn't help the flutter in her stomach.

As she pushed open the heavy doors to the court, the familiar sounds of squeaking sneakers and volleyballs smacking against the hardwood floor greeted her. The team was already engaged in their warm-up routine of stretches and light exercises. Aika's eyes instinctively sought out Yuki, finding him easily among his teammates. Their gazes met for a brief moment before Aika steeled herself, forcing her attention to the task at hand.

She busied herself with setting up her camera equipment, determined to focus on her role as the team's media manager. Through her lens, she captured the intensity of the practice, the determination etched on the players' faces, and the camaraderie that bound the team together. Yet, no matter how she tried, her camera seemed drawn to Yuki like a magnet, capturing his powerful serves and graceful leaps.

As the practice progressed, Aika noticed Daniele approaching Yuki during a water break. Though she couldn't hear their conversation, she observed their serious expressions and Yuki's slumped shoulders. Curiosity gnawed at her, but she pushed it aside, reminding herself that it wasn't her place to pry.

Little did she know that Daniele was concocting a plan to mend the rift between her and Yuki. 

Daniele approached Yuki, curiosity evident in his expression. "Hey, why didn't you say hello to Aika when she arrived?"

Yuki sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I made a big mistake, Daniele. I... I forgot to respond to her messages. I got so caught up in the national team preparations..."

Yuki's POV

I can't tell Daniele the real reason. How do I explain that it was Asami, who was the real reason? That fight we had when she found out about my reconnection with Aika... it's too complicated. But the guilt is eating me up inside. I need to make things right with Aika, somehow.

Daniele's eyes narrowed, sensing there was more to the story. "Well, we need to fix this. I'll help you two talk it out. By the end of the day, you'll be on good terms again."

Yuki looked uncertain. "I don't know, Daniele. I hope you won't do anything to make her angrier with me."

As practice wound down and the team began to disperse, Daniele put his plan into action. He asked Yuki to help arrange the net, then caught Aika's eye as she was packing up her things.

"Aika!" he called out, his voice echoing in the now-quieter gym. "Could you give us a hand with the equipment? We're a bit short-staffed today."

Aika hesitated, her bag already slung over her shoulder. "I really should get home," she began, thinking of the pile of assignments waiting for her. "I have a ton of school work..."

Daniele's charming smile didn't waver. "It'll only take a minute, I promise. We just need an extra pair of hands to get everything squared away."

Sighing inwardly, Aika relented. "Alright, but just for a few minutes."

As Aika gathered armfuls of volleyballs, Daniele turned to Yuki, who was folding up the net. "Hey, Yuki, can you take that net to the equipment room?"

Yuki's eyes widened, darting between Daniele and Aika's retreating form. "But... Aika's in there. It'll be awkward..."

"Just do it," Daniele insisted, his tone brooking no argument. "I'll be right behind you."

Reluctantly, Yuki made his way to the equipment room, his heart pounding with each step. As he entered, he saw Aika arranging the volleyballs on their rack, her back to him. Before he could announce his presence, the door swung shut behind him with a decisive click.

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