robbie, my best friend

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Like I said before, DJ's death never really took a toll in my life. I mean, I was an average kid, doing average kid things. I liked to write occasionally. I would write stories about what I seen and just tell that story through a different perspective. It was a good way to pass time. I had friends ...

Well a friend.

Robert Harris.

We've been friends since Kindergarten. He was the only thing I knew that could stay constant in my life. We liked the same things: watching cartoons, writing, and even had similar taste in music, but he would ruin it when he pulls up his "White Playlist", which consist of country music and Pop bands from like the early 2000s. Robbie was my best friend. My only friend. We would walk to school together some mornings, if Yas didn't take so long getting ready. Since Robbie played football, he would stay after school for practice and I would watch him. I would watch how for Robbie to only be a sophomore, he was strong for his size. Robbie has always been this tall, 6'0, lean kind of guy since he hit his growth sprout in sixth grade, but since he started to play football, he's built up some muscles ... okay, a lot of muscle. I think he said that he was a wide receiver or something like that. I still haven't got the "play by play" of how exactly football works. I would watch him practice every day with the other football players. I would watch how they hit the bag and threw the ball and the occasional butt smacking from time to time. I never understood the joy that comes from smacking another man's butt. Beats me. After his practices, we would go to my place and do homework. My place was much better to get anything done. Robbie's parents were going through this really nasty divorce. Always yelling and screaming at each other. Robbie only lived two brownstones away, so at nights when the fight seemed to begin, he would grab his phone, text me, and two minutes later be sleeping on my floor. Robbie and I had almost every class together this year, except for last period. He would have weight training while I was stuck in public speaking. Because we had almost every class together, it was easier to do homework and go over notes.

"What did you get for #2? I can't seem to figure that one out."

"I skipped that one. Who knew that geometry would be this hard? It's nothing but shapes and angles."

"You're telling me. Let's take a break."

"But we just got started. We got like 12 more problems to go.

"Yeah, but I don't want my brain to be sore as well. My body is already sore from weight training. Coach says that I need to start pushing myself and well, let's just say that I pushed myself a little too hard today."

I sighed. "Fine. We'll come back to that. Let's work on our stories for Creative Writing. Have you come up with a topic for yours?"

"Not yet. I was thinking somewhere between a football star going from top of the food chain to public enemy #1 or football player- turned- dad to be. What about you Ren?"

"I don't know. I wanna write something that pushes boundaries. Makes people uncomfortable when they read it. Embrace the ugly truth, ya know? "

"Yeah, you've always been great with coming up with something bold. If only we can get you to stop being such a turtle and come out of your shell." He started to make an imitation of a turtle stuck in its shell. He laughed at his joke.

"Ha, ha, ha. You must think you're funny." I said sarcastically.
"I get the occasional laughs from time to time."

I hit him with my pillow. He grabbed another pillow and hit me back. Soon after, we were having a pillow fight in the middle of the room. Yaslin walked in.

"Keep it down will ya? I'm grading papers and Mama just took her meds."

"Okay, but no promises."Robbie said.

He said with a smirk. Yas just gave him a stank eye and close the door, preceding back to grading papers. I got one more hit in before I through the pillow down.

"Okay, that's enough entertainment for this turtle. Let's get back to work."

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