the ultimate betrayal of trust

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I stayed up all night. I couldn't sleep. I went to my spot in the living room and watched TV until it was dawn. Sleep finally came to kick my ass. My alarm went off for school, and I only managed to get an hour of sleep. Once again, I had to drag my body to get out the bed, into the shower, and to put on my usual sleepy day fit, some leggings and a hoodie. I had Yas take me to school today. I couldn't bear walking to school. The classes dragged on. What felt like days were actually hours.


The 3:15 bell! Finally, I can go home. I told Robbie that I was going home. He was staying to work out. As I walked home, I noticed Royce's car outside. Strange. I put the key in the door and turned the knob; opened the door, to find no Royce. Stranger. I walked around the room. No Mama. No Royce. Maybe I was trippin'. I had to be trippin'. I walked over to the fridge, grabbed something to drink, and headed towards my room. I find Royce, standing there in the middle of my room.

"Uh, may I help you with something?"

"Nah, I'm good."He had this look on his face that made me uncomfortable.

"Well, why are you in my room? Yas' is across the hall."

"I know."

"Okay, so again, why are you in my room?"

"I just felt like coming in here."

He walked closer towards me.

"Well, you gotta go. I'm finna take a nap."

"Maybe we can take one together."

This man was obviously hitting on me. My sister's boyfriend ... was hitting on me!

"Uh, nah bruh, I'm straight."

Royce started to inch up to me with this menacing look on his face. Each step he took towards me, I took one step back. He managed to corner me into the wall. That smell of his cologne started to make my nostrils flare. He closed my door, then locked it. I knew what was coming next. I couldn't move. He began to stroke my hair, then my face. I turned my face away with an agonizing look.

"You're so pretty. Ya know that? I wanna show you how pretty you are."

I managed to finally speak. "Get off of me!"

"Why should I? You know you like this. You know you want this."

He began unzipping his pants.


I tried to push him off me, but it was no help.

He saw my attempt to push him off of me and took it as me being aggressive.

"Ooh, I like a girl that's feisty."

Royce threw me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. He began to kiss my neck. I tried to move him off me, but the weight of his body was too strong. I felt him caress my hair, then grab a handful in his hand. His hands bound my wrists like tar on raw skin. The abrasions that lingered left purple stains around my spirit – my wrists. I tried to scream and cried mercilessly. I watched him cover my mouth and then tell me to shut the fuck up. I watched him rip off my leggings and then my underwear. I kicked and screamed begging for somebody to hear me. But no one came. He smacked me upside my face and told me to shut up again. This time louder than the last.

I watched him. I watched as he didn't care that he was hurting me, raping me.

I watched every thrust he did, every kiss he kissed, every move he made. There was nothing that I could do. I just sat there, motionless as he defiled and took every shred of innocent and dignity that I had.

After five minutes, he finished. Zipped his pants, put his shirt back on, and left the room with a smile on his face. I sat there.


Then eventually, I felt nothing. I was in this endless abyss and the only thing I could see was how I did nothing. That night replayed in my head over and over and over again like it was a play-by-play move. I watched this man hurt me more than anybody could ever do.

The event just continued to play in my head. That's all I thought about. Every second of every day, I thought about what Royce did to me.

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