she's got her groove back

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Two hours later, we were done with all of our homework. Robbie had left to try and get some sleep. Yaslin had went to bed. And I was still up watching TV. It was only eleven o'clock. An hour of TV, then off to bed. Eleven turned into two in the morning and I was still in the same spot, watching TV. I managed to eventually go to sleep around four in the morning. Big mistake. When my alarm went off for school, I managed to practically drag my body out of bed, take a shower, slip on some leggings and a hoodie, and head out for school. School dragged on. The hours seemed like decades. Eventually, the 3:15 bell rung. School was finally over. I was too tired to watch Robbie practice today, so I went home. I pulled up to our "ancient brownstone" as Yas would say, put the key in the door and turned the knob; opened the door, to find an empty room. As usual. I checked to see if Mama was home. She wasn't. She must have been out. I walked to the fridge, grabbed a pop, and headed to my room to take a nice, well deserved nap. I closed my door, got into the unmade bed, snuggled up in my blanket and dozed off.

I woke up maybe two or three hours later. I felt much better than I did this morning. I grabbed my warm pop and headed towards the fridge. As I walked out of my room, Yaslin came out of hers, but she wasn't dressed in her usual sweats and a hoodie. She had on a tight burgundy dress that was asymmetrical at the bottom. The dress fit her in all the right ways. She had her hair neatly shaped in a curly afro. Her makeup was fairly natural: little foundation, some mascara, with a bold burgundy color lip stick standing out. She held her clutch in one hand and her black heels in the other. I stared at her in a daze, but not only because I just woke up. I was stunned because I haven't seen Yas like this in so long.

"And where are you going?" I had my hands on my hips like how she questions me.

"If you must know, I have a date."

"A DATE?!"

"Ya, it's not that hard to believe."

"With who?"

"I met him last week. His name is Royce. He works over at Joe's Garage. I did a little background check too so don't worry about that. He has his own place off Prospect Avenue. Never had a record. You know the important stuff."

My arms were crossed now. I gave a look that read really now? "Mhmm." I looked at her up and down, giving her the mom approval. "Turn around."

"I'm not doing all that. Girl, I am grown. I do and wear what I please. I'm the adult here."

"Well, we know what he's gonna be looking at all night."

Her dress revealed some of her boobs, making them bigger than usual.

"Like I said, I do and wear what I please. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a date to go on."

As she walked past me with her head held high, I caught a whiff of her perfume. Juicy Couture. She put on just enough to leave the intoxicating smell lingering.

"Don't be a hoe!"

"Shut up!"

She flicked me off as she walked out the door. I laughed. I was glad Yas wasn't going to be cooped up in this house grading papers for another Friday night. Yas was out the door, leaving me with the house to myself again.

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