4> Painkillers

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{Nobody's POV}

It was early in the morning, after last night. Jack was bored, so he had decided to clean up the medical room until Jeff had awoken. He was peacefully humming whilst organizing the medicine cabinet until he heard Jeff groan. "Ngh..." Jack's ears perked up, and he looked towards Jeff. "ah, good morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked, closing the cabinet and walking over to Jeff.

Jeff looked up at the demon, he seemed pretty zoned tf out. "I guessss.... My head hurts like...shit though..." he mumbled. Jack smiled, "of course it does, you got KO'ed by a fuckin' chair." He paused "Do you need any pain meds?" He asked, his smile fading into a curious expression.

"Sure...hopefully I overdose and die." Jeff replied. The taller man looked concerned and weirded out by Jeff's statement "Uh...that's not something you should want...Dude."

"Does it look like I give a fuck right ow- now?" -Jeff
"Yeah, but you're not overdosing. I'm not gonna let you." -Jack
"Aw man. Fuck you, dude." -Jeff

Jack walked over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle of painkillers. He took out two, grabbed a glass of water, and went back to Jeff with them. "Here you go." He said, handing Jeff the water and pills. "Mhm. Thanks... I guess." The pale SHORTER asshole replied <333

{A while later, with Lulu}

Ever since Lulu had been found by Slenderman, she was always cautious about other women...after what had happened to her... but when she met Kate and Nurse Ann, she immediately trusted them with her 'life'.
Since Lulu was blind, and also would need someone to usually take care of her, she had her own room in nurse Ann's hospital area. Some other pastas did too, such as Asylum Nancy, the expressionless, Lost Silver, Bloody Angel, Lifeless Lucy and Lily Kennett, Nemesis, and more. It was pretty much one of the safest places in the slender forest. And at night, most of the pastas whom would have their own rooms in the area, would be ordered to say in their rooms with the doors locked around 10:30 PM-4:30 AM. Why? So that way they couldn't get attacked by monsters. Especially Lulu. Zalgo was constantly on the lookout for her...And god knows what he would do to her if he got his hands on her. And he has before, But Jeff had saved her life.

{Lulu's POV}

I woke up a few minutes ago, and I had decided to go out and explore, see if Ann had any new patients! I had walked out of my room, and into the main area. I walked over to the ERs and sensed EJ. Jack was always like a brother to me. "Hey Jack!" I cheerfully said, waving with a smile. Jack turned around, and smiled. "Hey Lucy, what's up?" He asked, waving back. "I just wanted to see if Ann had any new patients. Does she?" I asked. "Yeah, she does. Jeff got hurt last night, and he had a concussion, so he has to stay here for a while." He responded.

"Oh...Is...Is he okay...?" My heart stopped for a second, Jeff was like a dad to me...or like another brother. He was also my mentor, he would teach me how to kill people and shit...he has saved me before, and I wouldn't want to hear about him getting hurt... "Yeah...He should be fine, I stayed with him through the night."

"Oh, phew, alright! Wait- why would you stay with him?" Though Jacky is a nice and caring person....Him and Jeff never really...liked each other. So why the hell would he stay with him over night? "Oh uh, I just wanted to make sure he was okay, Y'know?" He replied, smiling. "Alright...! Tell him I said hi!!!!" I said, as I began to walk away. "Kay, I will."

I thought to myself, why the hell would Jack stay with him, even if he wanted to make sure he was okay, that isn't like him at all...............! Huh. Wait a minute.....Jacky is gay, he barely trusts women after what had happened to him in his past, so what if....OH MY GOD!  No no, no....That couldn't be, right? But what if it could be... What the hell am I thinking? Jacky wouldn't.....like...Jeff...- Would he....?

{Jeff's POV}
I was laying in the hospital bed, staring up at the ceiling. Damn, these painkillers hit hard as fuck. Suddenly, I heard someone walk in. "Jeff? Lulu wanted me to tell you she said hello." It was Jack, I groaned and tried sitting up. "Nice. You got anymore painkillers?" I asked. "I do, but not for you. They haven't worn off yet, but good try, Jeffery." He smiled sarcastically. "Ugh, fine."

Jack sat down beside me, "why do you want to die anyway?" He asked, looking at the floor. I thought for a moment, "Uh, cause no one would give a fuck if I died."

Jack went silent. "I would. And I know Ben would. And Sally. And Toby. And lulu." He paused, "Don't kill yourself, dude. It's really not worth it. I care for you, and so do others." He stated, I was actually kind of surprised that he said he would care if I died...Me of all people? He cares for....me?

{904 words}

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