Welcome to a new galaxy

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Life on a spaceship sounds cool and fun .But when you find out you stranded in space and have no where else is to go is pretty scary. Emma a 16 year old who was selected to go on a a 10 year journey to Digit galaxy. Where even breathing feels magical. Walking in the Digit galaxy feels like another world, probably because it is. I think so. 1000 years ago the Digit galaxy was ruled by Queen Starcy. I know what a wierd name. People of the Digit galaxy don't have a sense when it comes to names. Starcy had a twin sister Lucy . Finally a name that's normal. These two were the bestest of friends,who did everything together. Back then Digit was ruled by King wilds II and their late mom Queen Andre. "Lucy come on let's play", Starcy said. Uhhmm no thanks I like to act like a princess not a little rascal. Even if these two had some differences they still loved each other.

16 years later the twins are now 18 and it coronation day. Someone was about to be Queen. King wilds" I'd like to thank you all for being here ,we celebrate that one of our princess's will be Queen". With further ado your Queen is Starcy. "Excuse me!" "What dad no way she never acted like a princess now she's Queen". Lucy enough go to your room immediately! Starcy my daughter,you will marry crown prince Sky from the galaxy of ice. " But dad " she was cut off. No excuses this is your time to shine we will meet their family tomorrow. And please look presentable. Guards escort Queen Starcy to her room and order the servants to pick out the best dress for tomorrow. With no other choice she married Sky. But the problem was Lucy liked him. So when no one was around she went to the library where she to find a witchcraft. She was trying to make Sky fall in love with her but it went wrong. She some how turned everyone to stone. She freaked out and ran away where she started a new galaxy without knowing that her sister was still alive.

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