Chapter 2 Part 2 - The Tagger

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99th Precinct 11:30 AM

You sit down at your desk looking around you take note of what everyone is doing, Gina appears to be sitting down at her desk, the papers from earlier undisturbed on the ground while she is hyper-focused on her phone, Jake slowly typing one character at a time with his tongue stuck between his teeth attempting to write a "perfect" report, Amy and Charles are together at Amy's desk more then likely looking at case notes, the only person who you haven't seen makes her entrance from the kitchen across from your desk with two hot cups in her hand making her way over to your desk as she soon offers you the new cup.

"Hot Chocolate right Shields?" Rosa asks confidently with a red glow upon her face accompanied by a small almost unnoticeable smile.

"You're spoiling me Detective Diaz" you reply a smirk plastered on your face, your hands meet one another as you take the cup only to be met with a small groan exiting your partner's mouth with both sets of eyes meeting one another stuck in another trance. Can you say sexual tension?

"Hey, Sarge, do you know where we keep the glitter? Just wanna make sure this report for the Captain is extra sparkly." That trance is quickly broken by a 13-year-old detective wanting his arts and craft time

"What are you doing, Peralta?"

"Look, if I have to do things his way, I'm gonna do them my way."

Terry can't help but dry chuckle out loud before responding to Jake "Okay, man. It was nice working with you."

"I'm not scared of him, okay? I'm not scared of anyone. Oh, also, I heard Shields nearly rolled your soccer mum van"

LITTLE SNITCH! "Jake let the tagger draw a penis on it!"

"What? There's a penis on my minivan?"

You can see Terry look between both of you, presumably choosing which one to kill, thankfully from powers above his eyes lock on Jake, maybe because you're new, or maybe he's fed up with Jake's antics. Who knows but this works out in your favour anyway.

"I'm sorry. Please don't chase after me!" Jake says before retreating to the safety of his desk.

After being thrown under the bus You and Rosa were getting your gear ready while Charles and Amy left minutes earlier apparently they found an address where the drugs from earlier were being kept. Rosa catches your eyes before motioning you to go towards the bathroom, confused you follow behind her a couple of seconds later. You watch as she goes past the dirty bathroom and opens the door to the small supply closet? All you know is she's now yanking you in after making a quick glance to ensure no one saw.

"Rosa!" you whisper

You're silenced by the lips you have been avoiding thinking about, you're pretty sure she can taste the hot chocolate on your breath since you can with the coffee on hers. The makeout session lasted a few minutes, your eyes kept frantically opening and looking at the door worried about being caught but not once breaking the kiss.

"What... What was that for?" You say out of breath.

"I've been wanting to do that since this morning" Rosa responds as her hand glides up and down your waist.

"I've wanted to do that too... but we need to go" As you turned around you felt her hand on your wrist stopping you.

"We have a day off tomorrow... Can we get together? Nothing huge just maybe watch some movies?" Rosa remembered how you struggled to answer the question "What do you like to do on your off day", it ranged, from either needing to stay at home or walking in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nature, with how you have been feeling all day, staying at home was the one you wanted.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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