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Many of you have asked me that I should continue with the stories I'm doing and honestly a part of me wants to. But I don't have the writing skills to do that so this is the least I can do, I know it's not much but I hope it's enough for you.


○Maegor is born from Prince Daemon Targaryen and his Lady Wife Rhea Royce.

○Once his son was born, Daemon only gave him his name Maegor and almost immediately left back to King's Landing.

○During his first 7 years Maegor was under the sole guardianship of his mother Rhea who educated him in the best possible way.

○The maesters said that Maegor was a model student, absorbing knowledge at a rapid pace.

○Rhea personally trained him in the art of combat, riding and archery.

○When Maegor was eight summers old, his father Daemon arrived in Runestone to take him with him to King's Landing.

○Although some said that he did it to have full custody of his son, others said that he only took Maegor with him to mortify his brother for the fact that he only needed one time to have a son and that his brother in many attemps had had none.

○Once arriving at King's Landing Maegor met the King's daughter, Rhaenyra and the daughter of the King's Hand, Alicent, becoming close friends with both.

○During his stay in King's Landing Maegor also became very close to his uncle Viserys' wife, Lady Aemma Arryn, whom he came to see as a second mother.

○Maegor's relationship with his father only worsened as the years went by since he only saw him as a spoiled child who only knew how to throw tantrums when he was not given what he wanted.

○Maegor's relationship with his cousin and the daughter of the king's hand only continued to flourish as time went by, with both developing feelings of love for the boy.

○The relationship with his uncle Viserys was a good one, although they sometimes clashed over certain opinions. Viserys saw in his nephew Maegor a future great lord.

○Maegor's relationship with most of the members of his uncle's council was good. They marveled at the young boy's intelligence and often questioned whether Daemon was really his father.

○The only other person Maegor couldn't ever get along with was Alicent's father Otto since he only saw him as the offspring of the person he hated the most, even though Maegor had no animosity towards him.

Episode 1

○Rhaenyra and Maegor are flying across the city on Rhaenyra's Dragon Syrax.

○For the record, Maegor still doesn't have a dragon of his own.

○When they finally land in the dragon pit they are greeted by Alicent Hightower and Ser Harrold Westerling.

○Then the group of three friends goes to visit Rhaenyra's pregnant mother, Aemma Targaryen.

○Once they talk to her, Rhaenyra expresses her desire not to have children and Maegor contemplates the idea of ​​not getting married.

○Within the Red Keep, Viserys hosts a meeting with his Small Council, with Rhaenyra and Meagor in attendance.

○During the meeting, the coin master Lord Lyman Beesbury complains about Daemon's waste of money.

○He even asks confirmation of this from Maegor.

○But King Viserys ignores all the complaints and only concentrates on the tournament for his future heir.

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