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I'm sorry for the delay but I just returned to work and in my free time I wanted to concentrate on my other fics as well.

But well, here I leave you the second part of this story, I hope you like it, leave your like, comments or anything else.

Episode 2

○The atmosphere in King's Landing is very tense right now.

○Queen Aemma has finally woken up and is very upset about what her husband tried to do to her.

○Her anger is so great that she leaves their room and moves into Maegor's room.

○Princess Rhaenyra has tried to avoid both Maegor and Alicent since she knows what they did.

○Likewise, the King does not have it very easy with his Council.

○Corlys Velaryon demands action against Triarchy attacks on Westerosi ships.

○But Ser Otto Hightower and Lord Lyman Beesbury argue against starting a war with the Free Cities.

○Viserys attempts to calm them all by explaining that he has sent envoys to the enemies of the Triarchy in Pentos and Volantis with the prospect of an alliance against their common enemy.

○But Corlys only reiterates that all this inaction makes them look weak in front of their enemies.

○He also points out that nothing has been done about Daemon's illegal occupation of Dragonstone.

○Rhaenyra then suggests that the Velaryon's fleet, backed by Targaryen dragonriders, could easily retake the Stepstones.

○The suggestion that has the approval of Corlys and Maegor.

○But at Otto's urging, Viserys overrides her suggestion.

○And then dispatches her with Ser Harrold Westerling to consider the prospective replacements for Ser Ryam.

○In Maegor's Holdfast, Rhaenyra watches as Ser Harrold presents various knights to take Ser Ryam's place on the Kingsguard.

○But Rhaenyra is dismissive of most of them, seeing no real combat ability.

○One candidate, Ser Criston Cole, explained that he earned his knighthood battling Dornish raiders in both the Dornish Marches and the Boneway.

○Rhaenyra seems to like the guy but Ser Harrold doesn't seem very impressed.

○Then someone calls and says he should prove it.

○Maegor had arrived since he wanted to see the possible candidates for the King's Guard.

○Maegor suggested, since Criston seemed so confident in his ability, that Ser Harrold should face him.

○Ser Harrold did not like this but Ser Criston accepted it anyway.

○Harrold and Criston faced each other and although Ser Cole had the advantage at first, in the end Harrold was the one who won.

○And although he lost, Ser Criston Cole was accepted as a new member of the King's guard.

○Meanwhile in Maegor's room Lady Alicent and Queen Aemma chat about what is happening in King's Landing lately.

○Alicent tries to paint that everything is fine but Queen Aemma knows she is lying.

○Alicent confesses that everything is really bad and that everyone seems to want to fight with everyone at the slightest provocation.

○Queen Aemma upon hearing this confesses to the young lady that this is due to the obsession that Viserys has with matching the glory of Old Valyria.

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