Prey for Predators

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Lavender Moon - Haroula Rose

She opens her eyes and studies her form in the mirror. A beryl colored dress adorned a lithe figure and viridian hues stared back in the reflection. A certain paranoia about the idea of her in heels occurred the moment she slid them onto her feet.

The sound of the night was like nothing else... So peaceful... So quiet next to the crickets ballads. The clicking of heels echoed throughout her corridors, a sound that hasn't been made since her homecoming sophomore year of highschool.

She was fast and nimble when it came to unpinning her curls. The shortness of her locks didn't limit the satisfaction of the cascade it made when it unraveled beside her face. Shaky limbs slide into her overcoat, the nervousness seemed to have overcame her for whatever reason- the idea of going to his home seemed to personal, very flattering.
When India took a step outside of her door she embraced a whole evenings worth of enchantment alone.

Maybe it was because of her excitement that everything seemed so vivacious? Or maybe it was that the way the stars twinkled tonight that she felt as of it were a sign from some sort of watchful entity that tonight would be one spent with a good friend with a good outcome. With the breeze she practically floated to her car...

And it was as if it were a mere blink of the eye that India found herself at her friend's door.
'I'm not too overdressed am I?' her eyes widened in realization of her attire 'No, no I'm fine- perfectly...' pulling up the sides of her dress and striking a bit more of a casual pose '...okay?' a finger shot from an unsteady fist.
The sound of his doorbell rang crystal clear on the inside and could be faintly recognized from the outside. Like a forgotten lullaby from her childhood.

The anticipation that swelled inside of her but only a moment before now turned to a dull painful anxiousness "India, good evening." the Doctor said with a very welcoming demeanour. The warmth of his home overcame her, just like that the gold and red hues enveloped her entirely. "You have a lovely home." she said slowly. Hannibal often noticed she spoke that way, it was soft and slow, leaving no room for misunderstanding.
Not hard on the ears either.

"Thank you, I wish I could be credited for the style... but I had someone come in and design it for me." he explained humbly.
It was awkward small talk, preparation for a more serious discussion in the future. "Nevertheless it's remarkable." she continued "Hannibal," she turned to face him- his head turned from the direction of the coat rack to her. The way he did so made her feel as if he was expecting her to say something so very important "I- oh no- it's just that..." she rejected his gaze and looked at the next room "...You have unconventional tastes."
Hannibal gave a very uncertain expression to her retort. At this she panicked "I- I'm sorry, I'm no good at small talk." her arms moved around frantically trying desperately to be understood. He did. But seeing her sweat was his favorite pastime, he discovered.

"I don't know, small talk is silly and just - is something I'm no good at." she sighed.
"On the contrary, small talk is important- it's preparation for a larger discussion." it wasn't as much a correction but a consolation, if there was any "You do well holding conversations. That's a rare ability I'm surprised you haven't realized you possessed."

She said no more; thinking that she made herself look embarassing enough. Her body floated across the floor and stopped at a particular area in his living room.

The home was adorned with oddities and antiques that all strung together fashionably. It was feminine and elegant, the floors were either a dark cherrywood or flawless marble- it was beauty beyond compare. A subtle glance over her shoulder... just to see if he was following behind her. He wasn't there, quite yet. In a frame; above a dark oak table; in a desolate area of the home; was a portrait of a renaissance depiction of Lucifer.
She looked at it for some time before a voice behind her complimented "You finally look well rested, India." Hannibal gave her an almost half smile.

A smile that lingered inside her mind when she turned to see it "Are you confidently putting your head to a pillow again?"
Her hair swayed with the shake of her head.
"They're haunting me when I'm awake." India sighed, she looked at him, 'Why is he smiling? Is he amused?'

"You learned to run from what you feel, and that's why you have nightmares." He quoted "What are you feeling that you cannot accept? What do you run from?" a question or two of his own, partially befuddling her until she gave it another thought "The man who assaulted me. I scarred his face- a line from his eye to his lip- I feel it is as if he terrorizes me in my dreams for revenge for ruining his face..." her voice trailed.
"...I feel fear."

"You're afraid of this man, but you know he only mortal. That he cannot actually invade your dreams." he said as he, too, looked up to the art piece "It feels like he's feeding on my soul, and that he won't stop until I've completely faded into nothing." India confessed "He took more away from me than just my sense of pride and security... He took myself from me."

The psychiatrist was silent for a moment, he was conjuring up a thought provoking question, "Have you told anyone about this?"
"Why not anyone else?"
"Because no one understands that I'm trapped in a vacant hell."

He blinked, not surprised but not expecting. It was a unique answer most definitely, he wondered what she'd be like to corrupt- what if he- gave her a gift? To show her how important of a friend she was to him? What if...
"And if you saw this man what would you do?" he finally tore his admirable stare from the fallen angel to her, "What if you had the chance to take your life back?"

A moment of silence.
"I don't know what I'd do." she finally said "I don't know how to answer that."
A bemused sound rolled off the cannibal's lips "Come India, dinner is ready. I don't want it to get cold." his expression growing more serious, "What did you prepare for us?" excitement, like a dim flame, shone barely in her voice.

[ ---- ]

She sat at the table alone. The table felt cold to the touch; icy to even rest her arms upon. A shiver went down her spine as she eyed the details of the room. It's dark features consisted of near black furniture, dim lighting, and a deep dark shade of blue blanketing the walls. It made her feel sleepy, but the scenery of falling snow right outside the windows made her too enchanted to want to shut her eyes.

Music played quietly in the room and throughout the rest of the cannibal's home.
In the man came with two dishes in hand, the aroma of what lay upon the porcelain plate belonged to a rather artfully displayed meal of "Quail lain on a bed of capunata deglazed with vinegar. Vaporized and served with sugar, raisins and capers. All drizzled in pumpkin sauce." Hannibal Lecter stated as he served her then himself.

As they went on to it they were silent, India spoke up with such a sharpness to her voice that you could see where she cut the silence "Animal welfare is important prior to slaughter. They say that the meat is somehow- sweeter- but when the animal is distressed prior to slaughter it tastes bitter." she said as she put a piece of bird into her mouth "It doesn't taste bad, necessarily, but... Who is your butcher?" she asked "This evening, not a good one." Hannibal cleared his throat shifting in his seat, he was a little insulted by her remark over his quail but yet he was amused as she wasn't exactly wrong.
"Although, you were right. It was a bit" he said cryptically "Distressed." a small smirk on his face as he reminsced the satisfying hunt for their dinner.
He looked down at his meal and slid his fork between his lips "Finish eating." his voice urged nonchalantly.

Eyes scanned her facial expression... she was quizzical. He was amused. A miniscule breath of air puffed from her mouth as she took another bite of her food.
His gaze inclined and a grin etched across his face.

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