The Drop

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Coffee - Sylvan Esso

India was slumped over a nearly empty cup of coffee on a small light brown faux maple table. She rested her elbows on it and flipped through a book off of the coffee shop's provided book shelves. Zeke's Coffee, this was her first time here, funny enough she lived nearby...

It was quiet, pleasant, even.

Quiet coffee house music played in the background. The snow touched the ground outside in masses, she predicted a storm to come soon enough. The coffeeshop owner came in and people praised him with greetings and compliments on newest shop renovations.

India lifted her head and noted the way everyone looked at the man, how excited they were... She envied it.

When she turned to look outside the window once more she saw a familiar form walk through the snow and ice. Judas... Casually her hand slid over her face and she hid herself from his view, should he look in. But it was all for not, he looked at her and smiled brightly. Walking over to her from the other side of the window and squatting low to be at her seated level.

When India felt she was safe she looked outside again- to see his face directly looking into hers. India let out a silent scream and jolted, soul leaving body. He waved and walked into the shop, finding a seat across from her "And how are you this fine morning?" he asked.

India shrunk in her chair, feeling all eyes on them, thanks to all the attention they drew. How she'd admired the quiet... Sadly now past tense.

"I'm very tired." she said trying to ignore him.

"Really? It's cold winter days like today that get me really revved up, personally. It's fucking wonderful." Judas muttered happily as he lights a cigarette. "Tis the season." she says trying to read, but to no avail. India shut her book and looked up at him with discern "You can't smoke in here." she frowned.

"What, you don't have asthma do you?" Judas made a concerned face.
"No. It's banned. In 40 states. Maryland being one of them, unless something's changed within the last time I was told."

Judas laughed at her before saying "You look nice today, did you know that?"
India was befuddled by his offhanded compliment. She tilted her head at him "I-I'm sorry?"
Judas stared at her, taking a drag of his cigarette, leaning back in his chair and looking out the window "Just wanted to see how you'd react... Don't lose your head. " he said watching the passers by.

He was a people watcher.
"I wasn't. " India insisted bitterly, taken a little bit aback by his sudden serious demeanour "Look, I..." she looks at the book at her fingers caress the softcover "...Don't take it personally, okay?" India said in a firm tone.
"I'm working out a problem I have with men right now. I guess," she checked to see if he was looking at her. Paying attention. He was.

"I guess it isn't right to act out my anger like that on you."
Judas was looking at her with interest now, sitting normally in his seat with his cigarette burning between his fingers "Is that some sort of apology?" he smirked.
"Yeah but... No, I acted the way I did because I don't like you." India fired back with callous "But, it doesn't mean I have any right to be rude to you." India continued "I don't really understand why you're bothering me, though."

Judas paused and made a very unusually serene face.
Hesitant before answering "You know how, like, sometimes you just see someone?" he asked. India made a slight annoyed scowl "I see you."

"No, no. Not like that."
"Then like what exactly?"
"Okay so..."
Judas took a lengthy inhale of his cigarette before holding the bud. Finished with it. India stared at it and looked at the owner passing by, quickly she grabbed it from his fingers and dropped it in her cup. Putting it out with the remainder of her cold coffee.
"...When you see someone. You're not just looking at them, really. You're seeing passed all of their psychical attributes 'n' you see who they are inside." he shrugged "Kinda like their soul."

WHO ARE YOU REALLY: A Hannibal FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now