Chapter 28 pt1

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. I completed some of my bucket list and I met Blake, he was on my bucket list too, but he was at the very bottom because I didn't think I would ever have a mate and although he's mean sometimes I like him very much and I'm happy that I've met him. I'm also happy that I have new friends who actually like me, which is a great improvement because I've tried hard for two years to get more friends to no avail but towards the end of this one I gathered a lot of new friends with the help of Blake and I found Jonah and Nick.
"Angel, Are you crying?" Blake asked bending down to me I shook my head and wiped my face quickly.
"No, I'm just so happy because I have a lot of friends this year, I have a mate and everything been good, I even did something's on my bucket list and I found Jonah" I cried making him laugh along with Ashley and my family.
"Angel I've told you before that you're an awesome person and sometimes you just have to wait a little for things to go right," Ashley stated kissing the side of my head while wiping my face as I nodded.
"I know, but thank you everyone, I know I have bags, well bags that aren't there...." I paused frowning still not understanding the bag thing " but you've been great and I got to do so much compared to last year and the year before that," I sniffled making them smile.
"Group Hug!!" Brody shouted taking me in his arms I giggled as everyone joined in giving me the best hug I've ever received. I want next year to better than this on

Chapter 28

(Blake POV)
I raised my eyebrow at Angel as she walked next to me with a pout.
"What's wrong?" I asked her she shrugged and went to her locker pulling out her books, she stuffed them in her backpack and pulled it onto her shoulder.
"Nothing," I frowned but held her hand as we walked through the halls. She's been quiet lately, which is not normal for her and she isn't eating much.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask softly she shook her head and looked down at her shoes.
"Can I go to Ms. Michele? I want to sleep," I sighed and guided her to my moms office, we walked in seeing my mom smiling at us.
"Go ahead, you can stay here for the rest of the day and I can call your dad to take you home early," she nodded and walked off going straight to the bed she curled up in a ball with the sheets over her head I walked towards her but my mom held out her hand making me growl gently. Something wrong with my mate I want to help.
"Hold on," she said frowning at me as I pulled the curtains back she stood up while I looked towards the curtains wanting to hold Angel.
"Todays going to be a little rough with her, I'm sure Ashley's on her way to check up on her, but try to take it easy on her. Her parents already cancelled her activities today and she'll want to go to her house for the night, her mother said you can spend the night if you want, so that won't be a problem, but she won't be her usual self," I nodded wanting to know why she would be like this today. It seems kind of random since she was happy yesterday although she seemed distant I did get her to smile.
"Can I go now?" I asked still staring over her shoulder, she moved out the way and said something about getting her work for the day. I went behind the curtain and took of my shoes before moving into the bed.
"Angel I'm still here for you," I say kissing her forehead, she stared at me and threw herself in my arms. I sighed as she trembled with soft cries.
"It'll be okay, I promise," I mumbled running my hands through her hair so she would calm down. I'm not sure what's going on with her today, but I'll find out soon.

(Angel POV)
I held onto my bear and curled up in a ball. I just want today to be over with.
"Angel how are you doing?" Ashley asked peeking into my room I shrugged not wanting to talk to anyone. Blake had to go to the pack, but he said he would be back in a half an hour.
"Scoot over," I moved over letting her under my cover I sighed and placed my head on her shoulder.
"It'll get better Angel," she turned to her side and held me closer to her. I know they say it'll always get better, but how can it get better when I still remember and when I still have scars reminding me everyday.
"You're healed and you can't see them anymore, so you don't have to worry about that and everyone is here to watch over you," I nodded feeling a little bit better than before, but I miss Blake now and I know he has something important to do, but I want him by me and I want to cuddle with him. He makes me feel better.
"And Blake will be back soon, but for now we'll hang out," I sighed and held her tightly as she turned on my T.V.
"I love you Ashley," I mumbled making her laugh and smile brightly.
"I love you too, you're my best friend and no one can and will replace you," I smiled at that she told me that before, back when she used to hang out with a lot of her other friends.
"And we'll grow old together and eat breakfast at your house and dinner at mine, every other day we'll do lunch and our kids will play together," I added quietly as she laughed gently again while agreeing with me.
"Yeah Tom and I will get a house near by so we'll be together no matter what and our string will connect us," I looked down at her shiny string connected to me. It isn't loose or thin like it had been when Jonah disappeared; its nice and solid, like a steel wire. Hers, Thomas and My families were the only strings that seemed like steel while the others were slowly forming. Blake's is super shiny and it changed to bright blue.
"That makes me happy," I want to be Ashley's friend for a long time and I really depend on her especially when I first came back, she was the first person other than my family and Ms. Michele that I interacted with and sh's so kind to me unlike some other people, she even went to class with me for the first couple of weeks until I got the flow of everything.
"And I like when you're happy," I moved closer and shut my eyes as she turned the light out. I like snuggling with Ashley we don't do it a lot but occasionally she'll let me snuggle with her usually when I'm sick or feeling a little down, but this is nice.

(Blake POV)
"How is she?" I ask Ashley as she closed the door behind her. I just got back, we had a pack meeting today and I had to be there especially since the ceremony will be soon.
"She's asleep right now, but she may have a few nightmares tonight, other than that she's fine,"
"Does this have anything to do with her missing or something?" I'm sure it has something to do with it.
"This is the day they found her, she still occasionally has nightmare, usually she's distant and she tends to stay with her parents through the day," she explained as I nodded from what I've read Thomas and his crew were the ones who located her first, they did find the original place, but when they arrived everyone was gone leaving nothing behind, but her scent. It took another two months to finally locate her again, but the second time they were actually able to get her out.
"So she'll be in there most of the night?" I asked wanting to go in, but its her parents room and from what I can hear they're watching a movie.
"Most likely yes, she feels better being closer to them, but her mom said she set up the guest room for you, so feel free to do whatever you want," I sighed as my wolf whined wanting to comfort Angel himself, but if she's happier in there I'll let her stay I would hate to see her get worse if I pulled her away.

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