Complete chapter 24

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(Chapter 24)
(Blake POV)
I slid in the bed next to Angel as she snored softly and moved closer to me until she was flush against my skin.

“Jonah and Loki, you two can leave, there’s a room across the hall, two double beds,” I said they both left without a word probably going to straight to bed it is almost five in the morning. It took us forever to get everyone back and situated. Afterwards we had to clean up the whole area secure the perimeter and then we had a meeting, the other Alpha’s are headed back to their pack grounds tomorrow morning, but Tomas and Elizabeth agreed to stay, we’ve given them a private cottage like home a few minutes away from the ground so they could have some privacy, from what I’ve picked up they needed to feed and they have different sleeping hours than us, which is sort of weird since Thomas seems to be on our schedule.

“Blake,” I peeked down at Angel seeing her smiling a little, she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my neck.

“I missed you a lot, I slept with bear though and Jonah read to me” she muttered falling back to sleep again, I stared at her creepy bear before picking it up and placing it next to her. I lifted the sheets up and placed them over both of us before closing my eyes.

“Blake,” I sighed and to think I thought she was asleep. I turned to my side and watched as she moved up and looked at me still half asleep.

“I'm happy you’re back and safe,” she said while kissing my nose I chuckled and kissed her forehead telling her to go back to sleep. She mumbled something else and went back to her original position with her body wrapped around me as usual. I turned back on my back taking her with me and letting her lay on my chest, not at all bothered by her.

“Crap,” I mumbled looking down she’s still in her clothes. I sighed and sat up as she rubbed her cheek against my chest I pulled off her jeans and slowly pulled up her shirt leaving her in her tank top and underwear. I shook my head at her superwomen underwear before reaching over in my nightstand and pulling out a big t-shirt for her, at least it isn’t hello kitty or SpongeBob like last week. I gently tugged it over her head ignoring her complaint for me to leave her alone.

“No Blake,” she scowled glaring at me I kissed her gently and laid back as she continued to frown on my chest.

“Sleep,” I commanded laughing a little as she pouted and fell back on me closing her eyes and grumbling under her breath. I'm sure she’ll thank me in the morning and it’ll save me from getting a long talk about her being stiff in the morning from her jeans or how hot she got from them, which had happened once before when I let her sleep in her clothes instead of undressing her, she woke up in a fit and she was cranky the rest of the day. I’ve learned my lesson since then.

“Good night Angel,” I said as she quieted down and fell asleep once more. I smiled and thanked god that we didn’t go to Applebee’s earlier like she had wanted too, if we did we would have been caught in the middle of the fire and attack, not that I wouldn’t be able to handle that, but I want to keep her away from the violence. Now all I have to do is figure out how to explain this to her, but I’ll come up with something tomorrow.

(Afternoon next day)

“Angel,” I growled gently watching her run away while giggling and pointing to the tree she wanted.
“This is the one, Dad, James, I found it!!” She shouted happily I sighed and placed my hand on her head while zipping her coat up again. I pulled her coat hood up and wrapped a scarf around her neck making she was fully protected from the wind.

“Blake,” she whined although it was muffled I shrugged.

“You don’t want to get sick, you have two options bundle up or stay inside while I pick out the trees,” she sighed as her shoulders slouched down.

“Fine,” She grumbled I stepped back and took in her outfit. I brought her a two-piece pink and purple north face snowsuit, it was equipped with down feathers and thick wool. I also got her matching snow boots, she hates it, but she says it keeps her ‘super warm’; she also has on 2 thermal sets and a sweat suit underneath it. I think she’ll be fine.

“Look at my snow Angel!!” James exclaimed hugging his sister to say he’s crazy around her would be an understatement, he’s a perfect example of an over protective brother.

“James no,” Angel complained, but giggled as he spun her around.
“I want that one dad!!” She said bouncing on the balls of her feet while pointing to the tree in front of us.
Her dad nodded and picked up his ax. “I’ll chop this one, go find another one,” Angel nodded and ran off again, I sighed and followed after her with James in toe.

“Cheer up Blake its actually pretty fun, we do it every year and we did it when she was small, she was the only one ever into the Christmas spirit and it makes her happy every year,” He said nudging me as I spotted Angel staring in awe at a huge tree in front of her.

“No Angel its too big,” I said looking at it myself, we’ll never be able to fit that in the pack house.

“But its huge!!!” she exclaimed waving her hands in the air, I ran a hand through my hair frustrated as James chuckled in amusement. I gave him a look only to have him shrug.

“I can’t say no to her,” he stated making me groan so now I have to be the bad guy.
“It won’t fit in the house, go pick another one,” I walked over to her as she pouted and looked at her feet.

“But I really like this one and we can make room,” She tried there’s no way in hell we can make room for this tree.

“Its too tall for the room, find something a little bit shorter the width doesn’t matter,” I explained she sighed and gave the tree one last look before running away again. I ran after her watching her closely as she examined each tree before running to another one and pointing.

“This one, it’s a little bit shorter, but its so much wider,” She stated nodding her head as I rubbed my temple, not having the heart to tell her that this one was too wide.

“Are you sure?” James asked looking at me out the corner of his eyes as if he wanted me to tell her no again, this is one of the times I wish Ashley was here to talk some sense into her.

“Yup, it’s perfect and Belle will like it,” I gestured to James to cut it down, sadly we weren’t able to bring Belle with us today, she had a doctors appointment and she’s getting tested to get into one of the pack schools along with meeting some potential parents for her.

I gently grabbed Angel and pulled her off to the side as he started to chop it down, I would have volunteered, but Angel wanted me to watch with her.

“Its cool right and are we getting one for your apartment?” she asked I shook my head I think we’ll stay with the pack this Christmas since I want her to get used to everyone.

“No we’ll celebrate at yours and the pack house,” she hugged me tightly as I sniffed the air.

“James,” I growled as he stopped and looked around also smelling the same thing as me, I glanced down at Angel who was frowning at her fingers before looking at me with another smile.

“Thomas is here and Ashley!!” She exclaimed as they both ran around the corner looking for us. Thomas came over with his jaw clenched. ‘Alpha two rogues are in the area, Angel’s dad is tracking them its best to get Angel away” I glanced towards Thomas with a nod telling him with my eyes to take her somewhere safe

“Angel, I want to show you something cool,” he said Angel giggled and looked at me for permission, I kissed her forehead and nodded.

“I’ll be back,” she jumped up and kissed me quickly before hopping onto Thomas back. He lifted her up and ran off without a word. I shrugged off my jacket and tossed my shirt and pants before shifting. I stretched my body as my paws hit the ground before crouching down and inhaling.

“James go with your dad, Ashley come with me,” I instructed through out link. There’s more than one out here.

(Angel POV)

"Cool!!” I exclaimed looking at the eagle’s nest in front of me. Thomas chuckled and sat me gently on the thick branch. Behind us was a little platform thing almost like a base to a tree house in the making. I wonder if he did that.

“This is amazing, how did you find this?” I asked staring at the baby eagles in front of me. I would touch one, but I can’t because I have gloves on.

“I heard them,” he said looking around distracted I reached out and touched his face frowning at the worry I felt through him.

“Go to Ashley,” I say he stared at me with a look of surprise; I raised my eyebrow as he jumped from the tree. I can’t see anything below me, but I'm high enough to see above all the trees. I slid my gloves off and straddled the tree branch so I wouldn’t fall off. I wonder if the platform is stable.

“Hi you’re back!” I exclaimed seeing my little friend bob up and down in front of me, I'm positive it’s a fairy.
“You should come out to my friends, they think I'm crazy, but I'm not,” I stated watching him nod and point towards the forest I looked out not seeing anything, but I could feel the same disturbance I felt the other day when Blake left early.

“I feel it, but I don’t understand it and I can’t go over because I can’t climb down,” I explain glancing at him as he sat on my shoulder. He was a small guy just like I remember him he’s pale with light hazel eyes with sharp teeth like Thomas pointy ears and two little horns on the top of his head which is also covered it fluffy brown hair.

He jumped up and stood on my leg and pointed again I turned my attention back towards the scene unfolding.

“ Ashley, Thomas, Dad, Blake and James,” I said staring at the bright color waves in forest I could feel each one of them they were all running in the opposite direction towards a brown wave, I frowned I hope they didn’t forget about me. I stared at my fairy friend wanting him to talk to me like he did last time.
“Where are your friends?” I asked curiously he pointed towards the waves again. I scrunched up my face seeing quite a few of them running towards the brown waves also.

“Oh I see,” I gently picked him up and let him sit in my hand as I examined him, part of me wanted to take him apart and see how he works, I want to see his internal organs and everything, but I know I can’t do that, but one day I’ll find one who has died and I will respectably exam their remains.

“You can talk to me if you want,” I mumbled feeling lonely as the eagles rummaged around in their nest. He gave me a brief nod.

“I know I prefer not to when I'm observing,” he spoke gently almost like whisper in the wind, I smiled I want to hug him, but I might crush him, which would not be good at all. I lifted him and placed him gently on shoulder before putting my gloves back on as my fingers started to freeze. I'm so happy that Blake put me in the suit now I'm super warm and nothing is cold except my nose. I pull my scarf up so it covered my nose up and smiled, now my nose is warm.

“Move back on the platform,” He instructed I scooted all the way back careful not to disturb the nest of fall, I sat cautiously on the platform making sure it was stable enough and that I was on top of one of the branches just in case.
“Are you here to watch me?” I asked he shook his head and smiled.
“I'm here to protect and serve you to the best of my ability. I was sent by a friend,” I nodded and crossed my legs watching the color clash together I wonder what the brown is it doesn’t look too pleasing.
“Will they be okay? It doesn’t look good,” I mumbled still staring at the colors in front of me growing a little worried. I hope this isn’t anything bad because I don’t want to lose all my friends and family.

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