Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

(2 Days before mixer)
(Blake POV)
"Are you sure you're fine?" I asked feeling her nervousness through out link, she turned and placed her head on my shoulder while holding me around my waist.

"Yyes," She muttered making me sigh and kiss the top of her head. I'm sure its about the ceremony which is tomorrow she was doing fine this week except for her little hiccup, but I talked to her again and she seemed fine afterwards, but now she's too anxious and she's thinking too much.
"It'll be like eating in the cafeteria, but with all wolves," I explain only to have her go stiff as her eyes widened, her breath became ragged and I could hear her monitor going off making Ashley shake her head and pulled Angel off of me as she began to panic.

"Angel calm down, we'll go talk," Ashley guided her back into the school building while I scratched my head as Jace laughed, Jonah was giving me a dumb look
"You do know she's has anxiety right? And you do know she prefers smaller crowds and practically no wolves, the cafeteria was a horrible example she doesn't mind going in the cafeteria because there's a mixture of everything which is more calming to her, being around wolves doesn't have a calming effect on her, which is why she's in the greenhouse a lot" I ignored him I know she has anxiety she has a lot of medical and physiological problems, in fact my mom gave me a whole damn list. She doesn't take medicine for everything, but my mom informed me that her mom has taught her how to handle something's and Ashley is there to help too if it becomes too much for her.
"Damn Blake, first you break her arm, then give her a heart attack now you're making her have panic attacks," Jace chuckled as I shoved him.

"I didn't cause her heart attack, I saved her life breaking her arm is small compared to that and the panic attack was a mistake," I scowl leaning back on the bench I could feel her calming down through the link, but I could also feel that she was getting tired.

"And at least I didn't lock her in a cabin and leave her there without explaining anything to her" I say giving Jace a look as he turned away mumbling something about me being an asshole, but he knows I'm right.

"She's fine," Ashley walking with Angel in tow, I tugged her into my lap, letting her curl up and hide in my shirt. Todays actually her first day back at school, my mom was trying to hold out another week, but Angel was bored so she was free to go today, but she had to see my mom every three hours for check-ups, which was fine, well except when she was in her science class doing an experiment she refused to leave until the end of the class.

"I'm sorry," I apologize to her quietly she shook her head mumbling that she was fine and that she had to stop thinking so much and breath. I kiss the top of her head as she closed her eyes. I pulled her hood over her and let her fall asleep on my lap. Schools almost over for the day, right now is our lunch break and the bell will be ringing in an half an hour or so.

"Her siblings are trying to meet you Blake," Ashley finally spoke, I groaned somehow all of her siblings are in town for this week, I'm sure they're going to the mixer, but I haven't met them yet. When they're at the pack house I'm usually in meeting meaning Angel is with them throughout the day and by the time I'm finished my meetings they've already left.

"I've been too busy lately, but I'll try to get with them at the mixer, but I think I'll take her home, she doesn't have any test or anything too interesting to do today," I asked her teachers already, they're aware of her health troubles and have her work already prepared, which is fine with me, they'll email me everything today since I kind of figured she wouldn't last through the day ever since she's been out the hospital and on the medicines she's been sleeping more frequently and having naps throughout the day. I'm actually surprised she lasted until lunch because for the last week she's been asleep by 10 am and waking up by 1 pm, only to fall back to sleep at 8pm.

"Drop her off at my place in the morning," I nodded and grabbed her book bag along with my keys before standing up. Angel moved closer to me still knocked out as usual. I carry her to the parking lot telling Jonah that he can head to the pack house, but he said he would hang around the school for a bit, I shrugged not really caring. Angel was able to get him in some of her classes so I'm sure he's going to stay in class. I carried Angel to my truck opening the door and tossing her bag in before slowly placing her on the seat buckling her up in the process. I picked up a cover and draped it over her shoulders. She let out a breath as I lay her seat back slightly before shutting the door and going to my side.

"Blake," She groaned turning to me with a small frown, I reach out and grab her hand while pulling off.
"Go to sleep," she grunted and held onto my hand. I glanced over as she began to snore making me chuckle. She occasionally snore, but she has cute snore, they aren't loud, but soft almost like a baby.

(2 Hours Later)

"Hmm," Angel moaned while stumbling out my room in a long t-shirt, I chuckled as she walked into a wall only to fall on her butt with a oomph. She rubbed her eyes and stared at me still sitting on the floor with her hair sticking up at odd angles. I go over and pull her up getting a thank you.
"You're still sleepy," I say pulling her into the kitchen she sat down and lay her head on the table.
"I smell food I'm hungry," she yawned stretching out and laying across the table again she looks ridiculous right now.

"Go back to the bed, you can eat it in the room," I explain making her sigh and drag herself out the kitchen as I went back to the stove only to hear her grumbling. I peeked into the hall seeing her on the floor again, she sighed and curled up in a ball and fell asleep making me groan. I would go get her but she seems fine. I go back to the food pouring sauce in the pan. I'm only fixing spaghetti, its something simple and she love spaghetti and I put extra meatballs in for her too. I wiped my hands off and let the sauce cook for a bit before I left to get my crazy mate off the floor.

"Come on," I groan picking her up she moved into my neck thanking me as I carried her back in the room. I lay her back in the bed and tuck her in. I'm sure she won't wake up again until one so I have a little bit of time left to get all of her food and medicine ready. My mom had dropped off some new medication for her heart it's a slightly higher dose than what she normally takes but she'll be back on her regular ones in a few weeks, she also has new medicine for something else I can't remember what it was but I know it has something to with her bones or something along those lines, she'll only be taking that for a month though. In fact she gave me a bunch of medication and I'm sure Angel will hate me by the end of the night for making her take all of them.

"Blake you'll lay with me," She mumbled with her eyes still shut, I reach over the bed and grab her bear put him next to her. She pulled it under the cover falling asleep once more, I slowly back out the room heading back to the kitchen to finish her meal up. I know tomorrow going to be busy and thank god Ashley will be occupying Angel because I'll have no time at all, especially when we have to set and organize everyone. Ashley is going to be given the next two nights off and although I had planned for her to run a shift I prefer her around the area with Angel, so someone else will take over for her.

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