chapter 20

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(Chapter 20)

(Angel POV)

“Angel you have to go to school and you have to eat,” My dad said gently rousing me awake. I sighed and turned into the pillow ignoring him. I don’t feel whole anymore, everything felt wrong, everyone felt wrong.
“Angel get up,” My dad scowled I pouted as he lifted me out the bed. I hate when people carry me without my consent, just because I’m small and light weighted doesn’t me you can pick me up against my will. He carried me to my room and sat me on the bed.
“I want Ashley and mom,” I complained, he ignored me and pulled off my shirt, I looked away from him as he put me in one of my hoodies. He tugged off my pajamas pants making me pout again as he lifted me up and pulled on my sweat pants followed by my socks and shoes.
“Do you want me to brush your teeth and wash your face?” he asked frowning a little as I shook my head and sniffled, he sighed and bent down to me.
“Angel, you’ll be fine, I promise. You have me; Ashley, Thomas and that Loki kid here for you twenty-four seven. Also if things go well we’ll move just like you wanted too,” I nodded as he kissed my nose and wiped my eyes.
“Now finish getting ready, I made you some pancakes your favorite,” I wiped my nose and hugged him before going into the bathroom. Last night it was hard to sleep so I slept with mom and dad. Mom talked to me some and I fell straight asleep and I had a good dream nothing bad like the other night. I stared at myself in the mirror seeing red puffy eyes staring back at me along with a bright nose. I grabbed my toothbrush, which somehow had toothpaste already on it, and brushed my teeth quickly before washing my face. I slipped on my running shoes and left out my room.
“Angel,” I looked down at Loki. He was sitting on the stairs reading a book.
“Hi Loki, you’re still here,” I muttered he nodded and ruffled my hair.
“Yeah. I met this red haired girl, who just happens to be the kindest girl I’ve met, so I thought I would stay for awhile to get to know her,” he explained I frowned a little confused but nodded, he’s seems to be having a better day than me so far and he’s making new friends.
“I hope you and her become good friends, but can you not forget about me, cause I want to be your friend too and I’m sorry again for getting you locked up,” I say he laughed heartily and shook his head as if I said something wrong.
“God your too cute.” he chuckled and guided me into the kitchen where one pancake was sitting for me.
“I didn’t cook too much, I wasn’t sure if you were up for a lot,” My dad said as I sat down, I picked up my fork and ate a square while everyone seemed to stare at me as if I was some type of animal on display in a exhibit.
“Can you not stare at me? You’re making me uncomfortable and a little sad,” I ate two more bites before pushing it back. Nothing seemed to taste right anymore either, everything is bland and not to my liking. I missed flavor on my taste buds, and I really miss Blake.
“Come on,” Thomas came over and lifted me off the stool, he carried me out the door quickly. I placed my head on his chest, hoping he would carry me to school like he used to do.
“Angel, Blake just needs a little space, you don’t’ have to worry about him not coming back for you because he will and as much as I don’t like the mutt, I know that he loves you,” If he loved me he wouldn’t have left me, he wouldn’t have let me feel this pain right? Blake doesn’t love me and if this is what love feels like then I don’t want to be in love. I just want to be with my mom and dad, they’ll always love me and they’ll never leave me alone.
“Thomas I don’t want to go to school,” I say hoping he would let me hang out with him all day instead. I placed my head on his shoulder.
“Ashley will be with you,” he said I sighed I guess that means I’m going. I don’t want to see Blake and he sits next to me in math now. We remained quiet the rest of the walk until we reached the stop sign.
“But Blake will be there,” I try he shook his head telling me no again. I let out another sigh as the school came into view. I could see everyone standing around as usual and talking to their friends.
“Look there’s Ashley and Loki,” I frowned Thomas must have walked very slowly because he’s usually ahead of everyone. I squirmed in his arms until he put me down and took my hand instead. I looked around me at the students who seemed as happy as ever.
“You can ditch math and go to Mr. Lewis, I already have a note for you,” Ashley said as we approached I looked between Thomas and her. He must have told her on our walk over. They could speak to each other in there head like I can speak to them, but they can actually respond to each other, I can’t hear anyone other than myself in my head. Its like I’m all alone in my head and in my life.
“Lucky for you I have half a day to myself so I can walk you to classes and hang out with you at lunch,” Loki said smiling brightly at me and putting his hand on my shoulder as I leaned on Ashley. I nodded and smiled a little with tears coming to my eyes.
 “You guys are so nice and I’m a horrible person,” I cried trying to hold it all in, but that never works for me. I have such great friends and, and I’m such a bad one. They all laughed at me, Loki ruffled my hair while Ashley and Thomas kissed my cheek.
“You’re probably the most caring person I’ve met in the pack besides the kids, not many would have taken the fall for your friend getting out even if they did let them out, I’m sure most of them would probably have let me rot in there,” I sniffled and hugged Ashley while wiping my eyes on her shirt.
“Thank you,” I cried getting more laughs from them, Ashley gently pulled me back with smile.
“Come on let’s get to class,” I nodded and took hold of her hand letting her lead me into the school. Hopefully I’ll be able to get through the end of the day and if not I don’t know what I’ll do.

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