Lee Minho

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The guards bought Jisung and his friends into what seems like a Palace, which had a dark-esque vibe as Jisung would describe it. They were taken through a giant Hall where Jisung swore the walk seemed to go for a couple minutes. They arrived in front of a huge set of doors, which were engraved with fancy lettering and swirled and what seems to be depictions of either gods or ancient figures.

One of the guards, Hyunjin, knocked and opened the door "Sir...". He seemed to have gotten a nonverbal confirmation to entered with us, because he then started to lead us into the same chamber. And there he was again, staring ata me with his piercing glare, which to Jisungs surprise never realy seemed like hate."So what to do with you all?" He wondered out loud finally taking a look at the whole group one by one.

And now that Jisung could see him closer and clearer hecaoupd see how beautiful he was. He had mid-length striking black hair which looked so fluffy that Jisung wanted to touch them. He was tall,l lean and handsome. His lips were probably the nices and softest looking lips Jisung has ever seen. He looked fierce like a person with authority, responsibility and respect. The guards all seemed to cower near him, which also sent a shiver down Jisungs spine. The man was wearing destination clothing a mixture between royalty and business. It suited him. He had a kind of charm and wit which seems to pull Jisung, which made him not want to look away. But ofcourse the situation was not in his favour.

"What is your name?" He asked Jisung, which made Jisungss knees go weak, but he remembered the situation they are in. "Why would I tell you that?" He asked trying to look tough. "Now Now, no need to get frisky. I just want to know the name of the human who stole my gem. So, what is your name?" He asked again in his honey-like dangerous voice. "O-only if you tell me yours" he tried to fight Back. He wanted something for his name, and the name of this fine man infront of him seemed to be enough for now. "Fine. But your name first" he seemed to enjoy this game. He seemed to enjoy teasing Jisung, and Jisung was also, as far as he could in the current condition, enjoying it.

"J-jisiung. Han Jisung." He tried not to stutter. "Jisung...pretty" Jisung swore he heard him say 'pretty' at the end but he was most likely being delusional. "Why did you steal my gem Jisung? No one would dare do that." His voice seemed venomous, but still not hateful. "I-I'm not telling you" he stubbornly stated. He didn't know if the reason behind it would give them more trouble than now. "Stubborn" he stated towering over Jisung.

He was looking at him again. Into his soul. Those eyes. They were starting to melt Jisung. The way he was towering over him, the way he was looking into his eyes, the way he was cose yet keeping his distance it was all collapsing onto Jisung. Untill he looked away.

"Sungmin how many stage 3 cells are left?" He asked turning to said guard. "But sir it wasn't a stage 3 crime. They only held the gem. It was an intention-crime. They didn't leave with it. So legally they didn't realy do any thing wrong.." he trailed off. Only him and Hyunjin seemd to be comfortable around him. "The intention is enough..." he seemed to be in thought. His fingers tapping his chin. They were gorgeous, his hands. Jisuung wanted to hold them, to be held by them, to be- stopped that thought before came. This was a serious situation.

"Hyunjin, didn't we want to always try out those new bracelets?" He asked with a smirk. "Yes, but they can't just run around the Palace." Said boy stated. "That's fine they can have rooms. But not all. Those two, what are your names?" He asked. " Chang Bin and Felix" Changbin stated giving Felix a reassuring nod. "Yes those two in one room. These two..?" "Chan and Jeongin" Chan stated giving Jeongin the same glance as Chang Bin. "Good. They share a room. And you, Jisung. Get him a aseparate room, as he stole my gem and the others were only supporters" he said and walked to what seems like a throne.

"And Hyunjin. Please fetch those bracelets and put them on. They should not be able to leave the living quarters and the thrones room." He stated and Hyunjin immediately made his way to a smaller exit door, only to return in a few seconds with a box. "Hey Seung, hep me put these on" he said to the other guard, Seungmin. Together the two put on thin metal cuff-bracelets on Jisungs and his friends hands, which beeped red once they were done. When the bracelets were on the guards Holding them let them go. Even so they didn't run, because they knew that it wouldn't bring them much.

"Sir the rooms in the West side of the living quarters are free, should we bring them there?" Sungmin asked. "Yes do so. And give them schedule. If they live here they should do some work. One in the library, two in the stalls and two in the garden. It doesn't matter who" Hyunjin walked around and told everyone their schedule. Jisung got the library. Perfect he was all alone to work, but atleast he had to work with books rather than Felix and Jeongin who had to work in the garden and poor Chan and Chang Binwho got the stables.

"Alright if that is done would you please take them to their rooms and make sure the staff are informed." He said as he stood and started to leave, when Jisung realised "WAIT!" Jisung shouted just as he was about to leave out the door. "Yes?" He asked witha tilt of his head, which Jisung found pretty cute. "W-we had a Deal. Your name?" Jidung stated Holding the eye contract that the other started.
"Minho. Lee Minho"


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