"my little human"

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Jisung was able to take a few books with him to his room without anyone noticing. It was only 17:30 so he had more than enough time to do his research. Today was an early dinner so he also didn't have to worry about that anymore. The two books he brought were: Demons vs Angels and the three sided war.

From what he could say from the descriptions was that there were also angels and heaven. And that there was a war between the Demons, angels and humans. That itself was quite few more info, but it wasn't enough. Jisung hoped that this could help him understand how they got here, What that gem is and why it's so important. He originally only wanted to find a way to steagl it and leave, but they all soon realised that to do that they would have to understand what had been going on for a while. They would have to find out what connection humans (or they) have to the demons. And why they were sent to steal the gem.

Jisung started the first chapter of the three sided war and snuggled into his bed. He read for about 2 hours before having to take a bathroom break. When reading he wrote down the most important things on a separate piece of paper he had found. Untill now all it said was:

There are 3 worlds: Hell, Earth and Heaven. With Demons, Humans and Amgels. Humans are weaker than the other two, but therefore have technology. Both demons and Angels have Magic. Angels have wings, but Demons are macically more powerful, Especially the royals. There was a war hundreds of years ago, where the Demons and angels had a fallout and the humans took the side of the angels. The angels promised to protect the humans till the fall of Hell.

Even if it wasn't much yet, it still sounded crazy to jisung. A war between heaven and hell. He wondered if God and Satan were real. He wasn't religious at all so he kinda hoped they didn't exist. Untill now the book didn't mention either of them, so mabe Jisung was right.

Jisung was getting tired so he decided to take a bit of a nap, so he can keep researching soon. He hid the books under one of the loose wooden floorboards, just incase anyone came in while he was sleeping. He layed down and immediately drifted away.


AN:Minhos POV? Kinda?!...

Minho finished his work and decided to directly head to Jisungs room. That boy was something else. Minho has slept with many people, but Jisung felt like a whole different planet. Minho had never seen anyone that beautiful. He adored everything about the younger. His eyes, his kissable lips, his nose, his hands that roams his body all night long, his gorgeous legs and his waist. That waist that drives Minho mad. How he loved to hold it and to mark it. He wanted that waist for himself.

He paused infront if Jisungs room, raising his hand to knock after steadying his heartbeat for a second. *knock knock* he waited for a few seconds but there was no answer. *knock knock knock* he knocked again, to no avail. Weird, Jisung should already be in his room. It 22:00, he has a curfew. Minho decided to head inside to check, he magically unlocked the door and entered Jisungs room. He looked around for a moment before spotting the little human snuggled up in bed. Asleep. Minho let out a small chuckle as he approached the bed careful not to awaken the sleeping boy. Not gonna lie he was looking forward to fuking him, but he was okay with what he got.

He kneeled on the floor near Jisungs bed and looked at the boy carefully, as if he were a prise. As if he were his prise. He was growing addicted to the human next to him, in a way he never knew possible. Even when he first layed his eyes on Jisung, he was enchanted. Honestly he was glad that seungmin remembered that rule before he had given orders. He didn't know why Jisung wanted to steal the gem, it wouldn't have brought him anything. The only thing that would happen, if anything happend, is bring Jisung death. He hoped that Jisung was only intrigued, but knew better. He knew that Jisung wanted that gem, but it was his gem. He can't give it up. He vowed to protect it with his life and that's what he was gonna do. He also vowed with Jisung to keep their little game away from their professional lives, so he was fine with it.

Jisung stirred in his sleep turning to face Minho now. Minho watched as the boy breathed steadily. Unlike when Minho was funking him into an oblivion and he was gasping and mosning. Minho lifted his hand and slowly brushed away some of Jisungs stray hairs that have fallen into his face, carefully not to wake him up. "Well I guess I'll have to sit today out huh!" Minho laughed lightly. "That's fine. Enjoy your sleep. Goodnight my little Human." Minho whispered kissing the boys forehead and disappearing.


AN: back to Jusungs POV?! Idk...

Jisung woke up a little after 22:30. He thought he had heard something, but saw nothing when he awoke so he brushed it off. He went to the bathroom, but then immediately got back to work with researching. Only shy after 02:00 did he finish both books and gave a full list of infos:

There are 3 worlds: Hell, Earth and Heaven. With Demons, Humans and Angels. Humans are weaker than the other two, but therefore have technology. Both demons and Angels have Magic. Angels have wings, but Demons are macically more powerful, especially the royals. There was a war hundreds of years ago, where the Demons and angels had a fallout and the humans took the sideof the angels. The angels promised to protect the humans till the fall of Hell. The war started because the ruler of Hell at the time(Maleficent) and the ruler of heaven at the time (Venus) got into a big fight. They fought over the gem of Emaur(the one we had to steal). Apperantly the earth was also ruled by one person, just like the other two worlds. It turned out that Emaur was the first leader of earth. He died and left the gem to the other two worlds: Heaven and Hell. They didn't know how to really split it. In the end they attacked echother and so a war began. The humans originally didn't want part in the drama, but the Angela made a deal they couldn't refuse. That is also how the cliché of God and Satan and heaven and hell and angels and Demons came to be. In the end of the war the Demons won and got the gem of Emaur. The angels decided to cut ties with the demons and the humans distanced themselves from both.

Jisung still couldn't find why the gem was important now. Clearly the issue was solved. He atleast got a crazy story he could tell tomorrow to his friends. He would just have to get some more books later on.

Jisung put the books back under the floorboards and layed down to sleep when he realised: Minho didn't come tonight. It was strange. Without having him in bed as he fell asleep. Jisung also was disappointed that he wasn't getting fucked tonight either. He layed there. He missed Minhos warmth. He missed the goodnight kiss on the forehead he got each night. He missed the way Minho would play with his hair from time to time. He missed the way Minho would hold him. Even if it was only one night, tonight...

He missed Minho...


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