Chapter One- I'm one of the rare cases

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_Chapter One- I'm one of the rare cases_

After classes and lunch breaks are the times when there is a bustle in the school. The cafeteria is the place where you will find every new rumor. And to be honest, I'm not very much interested in these rumors, but when you have a friend who knows about others lives more than her own, there is no escaping.

"Did you hear that?" Jessica asked.

It always starts like this, and I know where it leads to.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

Jessica is a simple high school girl who has beautiful brown hair and slightly tanned skin. Her heart-shaped face is well decorated with perfect features. But she is not a popular girl because of her glasses and braces. She is not a nerd. She is pretty athletic compared to me. But hanging around me has given her a status of nerd and outcast.

"Blaise Anderson is back to school after summer vacation. He came a week later. I had thought he left school when he didn't show up. I'm so happy now," She squealed in excitement as if she had won a million dollar lottery.

I rolled my eyes. She has a little crush on Blaise Anderson, star football player and one of the most popular jocks in the school. Every girl is crushing on him, except for me, not that I'm bragging about it. But if you ask any girl, she'd definitely say she has a little crush on Blaise because he is... well, Blaise. He plays with girls and all that stuff. So, I hate him.

"Hey, see, he's coming with his friends," Jessica nudged me.

I sighed in annoyance and my eyes traveled to the door which Blaise and his friends just passed.

I stared in awe. No, not looking at Blaise but his best friend- Nick Conman, the captain of the basketball team. They are the Golden boys.

Nick Conman is the hottest man alive on earth. If you look at him, you can't help drooling. He has bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He has broad shoulders and an eight-pack. His Facebook page has a maximum number of likes especially when he is shirtless.

"He's hot," Jessica said.

"Yeah," I agreed with her, my eyes permanently fixed on Nick as he walked to his table.

Every single girl in the cafeteria was ogling these boys so I could stare as much as I wanted to blend in with the others. I was praying he'd see me, take notice of me. But that never happened. He laughed at something Drew Millers said. Tate and Josh laughed with them but Blaise had a passive look on his face. When is he ever smiling? Whenever I look at him, his mood is always down. That frown never leaves his face. How can a girl like someone like that?

My eyes met his. No, not Nick, but Blaise. That was only for a second but it was enough to run my blood cold. The coldness of his eyes is just so contagious. I immediately ducked my head low cursing mentally. Blaise is not a boy you'd like to mess with and I don't even want to look at him.

"Did you see that, Beryl?" He looked here!" She asked jumping up and down her seat.

I sighed again. She is just so obsessed with him.

I muttered a 'yes'.

"Oh my God! He looked here. Maybe he wants to sit with us. Maybe he wants to be friends with you. Oh my God! He definitely looked here and I guess he looked at you. Did you see that? I guess he has a crush on you. I can't believe it. My best friend, girlfriend of Blaise Anderson, the Blaise Anderson. You will be together everywhere and I will tag along with you. Maybe one of his friends sees me. Look at them, all of them are so freaking hot. I definitely want Josh Roberts. He is so delicious. I want to eat him at first sight. And then we will have babies. You will become an aunt and Blaise will become an uncle. And then you both will have babies and I will become an aunt. I see a very bright future ahead. We will all be together, completely happy, with our crushes."

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