Chapter Nine- I maintain my Nerd image

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Chapter Nine- I maintain my nerd image

Neither Nick nor Blaise came to school for next two days. Rumors were flying around that they had a fight on field the other day. Many of them were saying that it was because Blaise slept with Kim and Nick didn’t like it. Jessica didn’t believe that one. She was adamant that Blaise hadn’t slept with Kim. It was me, Emma and her for two days in cafeteria.

Many eyes would turn in our direction ever so often. I wondered what it was all about. Then another rumor started that both boys fancied same girl- Emma. This increased her popularity and she was basking it with a smile. She didn’t feel uncomfortable with stares. In fact she wanted more attention. I didn’t like it. Kim gave stink eye to Emma who just shrugged it off. Yeah, she was walking turmeric and I guess that was going to be same for rest of her life.

On third day, Nick and Blaise finally decided it was time to put end to those rumors. Everyone knew that Blaise had said goodbye to football. He won’t be playing it for this season or next season. It was shocking because he was amazing. Even though he was a junior, he was really good. Then started other rumors of why Blaise was leaving football.

Many claimed that he had feud going on with seniors. Others said that he was doing drugs. It was also said that Blaise was gay so he was thrown out of the team and his love interest was Nick Conman. I laughed at that one. I don’t think being gay has anything to do with team. I mean come on; all you have to do is see capability and not sexuality. But Blaise was not gay. No one was going to believe it.

But surprisingly, this rumor was most believed one, especially after many girls claimed that he had refused their advances. He was though protected by his jocks and Nick also shouted in hallway that Blaise was not gay. Blaise was sitting at the back of class for all classes. The reason of his leaving football was not revealed. And then came another rumor that his father didn’t approve of him playing football.

Finally the most believable one

Nick and Blaise were not talking to each other and it became clearer that Nick wanted Blaise to play football but after Blaise’s refusal, he was angry at his best friend. It was getting more and more believable with every passing day. I sat with Blaise for English class though and he always seemed lost in his own world. I never tried to pry giving him his time.

Emma’s popularity was short lived and she was pouting. I knew it was not a good sign.

“It feels amazing when everyone is looking at you like you are a Goddess.” She sighed. She was wearing a tight floral yellow top with light yellow shorts. Yeah, size of her clothes was decreasing day by day.

“I don’t know. It feels weird.” Jessica said and I agreed with her.

My eyes landed on Nick who materialized behind Emma and sat at her side. Her cheeks turned million shades of red as he said ‘hello’ to her. She nodded and stood up saying she had to get something.

“Do you have it?” Nick asked me. Out of all the questions, I was not expecting him to ask that.

“What?” I was shocked. He was sulking for something for past few days and suddenly he is in good mood. I guess he settled his issues with Blaise. I could feel eyes in us in background and tried to ignore them.

“Her phone number,” he clarified. The feeling that welcomed me was disappointment. I was not badly hurt or heartbroken. I just felt disappointed that he was still hung up on her. What was I expecting? That he would ask for my phone number with a cheesy pick up line?

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