Chapter Twenty One- I'm a devil with two horns, a tail and red eyes

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Chapter Twenty One - I’m a devil with two horns, a tail and red eyes

“Blaise!” I exclaimed standing up. My heart was beating erratically. I shot a glare at him and Jessica laughed from behind him. I threw her a cold look.

“S-sorry,” her shoulders shook and her lips curved in a smile. She was trying hard not to laugh. At least she was restraining. On the other hand, Josh was laughing like a maniac. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from them puffing out my cheeks.

“Sorry Beryl, I’m not Blaise but a hotter version of his species.” Josh said in between laughter. I huffed throwing him another glare. My face was turning hot. I must have sounded like a wanton girl.

“Shut up!” I said grumpily. Their chuckles died soon and only then I looked at them. A teasing smile matched their faces. Josh stared at me a couple of seconds and then burst out laughing again.

“I better go and find Blaise.” Josh told Jessica. “Don’t worry Beryl, I’ll tell him how much you missed him and tell him not to make you wait for long.” He teased me. I narrowed my eyes at him and he left hastily. When I looked back at Jessica, she had a smirk on her face. I groaned and sat down.

“Are you enjoying the party?” She asked calmly. I knew it was only a pretense to hide her mask of absolute joy. In her eyes, her dreams were becoming true but I could swear they were not.

“No, really not.” I answered staring at the glittering golden light reflected by the liquid swirling in the glass.

“Missing Blaise already?” She asked teasingly. I removed my gaze from the glass and scowled at her. Her lips twitched in humor. Her eyes were glinted with pure joy. I, on the other hand, didn’t share her emotions.

“I don’t miss that boy.” I muttered a bit rudely.

“I bet he misses you.” She smirked wiggling her eyebrows at me.

Jessica looked beautiful in her peach dress that flowed past down her knees and reached shin. She was wearing those Mt. Everest stilettos I’d never dare wearing. Her hair were braided neatly and glued to her shoulder. No matter how much she moved, the braid didn’t move from its position. She had applied light make up on her tanned skin. The golden shadow of her eyes made her light brown eyes pop out more. It matched with the golden fine embroidery of her dress.

“Yeah, I believe you.” I said sarcastically. My brain reared back to my conversation with Avril.

“Of course he does. Have you ever noticed the way he looks at you?” She sighed dreamily.

“The same way he looks at everyone.” I supplied. She rolled her eyes.

“If he looked at everyone like that then he might be a creep.”

“And looking at me like that doesn’t make him a creep?” I asked unbelievingly. Her logic was beyond my understanding.

“Love is warmth. If it feels creepy then it’s not love.” She told me solemnly.


“Why are you so late?” I asked dismissing the conversation once L-word was introduced.

Her face turned red at my question. “Well…” she started but I raised my hands.

“No, don’t answer that.” I didn’t want to hear. Her face answered enough. I didn’t need details.

“You have a dirty mind Beryl.” She said disapprovingly.

“Can you deny whatever I thought was not true? Not that I thought of it.” I raised my eyebrow. I only predicted the direction in which it would head. I didn’t walk on that path. I refused.

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