Chapter Ten- My Knight in Wet Clothes

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Chapter Ten- My knight in wet clothes

I received many stares as I walked to cafeteria. They were burning holes at my head. Judgmental looks in their eyes could not be missed. I was wondering what happened this time. My mind came to one conclusion- Kim is going to kill me. Ninety nine point nine nine percent of me was sure that it was because I came out of Nick’s car in the morning. The remaining point zero one wished it was not because of that.

When I entered cafeteria, Emma was sitting there with Jessica. My eyebrows rose up as I made my way to them. Emma never gets to table first. She is always last among three of us to reach there.

“Hey,” I smiled and took my seat. Jessica gave me a look of suspicion and Emma looked as if she was going to murder me. She is so going to mark Nick as her territory.

“Did you sleep with Nick?” Emma threw the expected question at me but still I was taken aback. Hearing it aloud sounds so bad. Not that anything like that happened.

“Of course not,” I shook my head.

“Made out?”



“No! Nothing like that happened.” I was astonished. I might have fantasized about kissing nick but hearing it loud sounds so bad. I can only grimace with disgust.

“Then why were you in his car?” She asked with tomato face.

“I was late. My car didn’t start. Nick saw me and gave me lift. That was all that happened.” I explained moving my hands.

“Are you sure?” She narrowed her eyes at me.

“What sure? It was only a lift. Why is everyone making such a big issue about it?” I almost spat.

How can they be so judgmental? Seriously, this is absurd.

“Okay,” Emma nodded her head slowly. “I believe you.”

I didn’t say anything and went to grab something to eat even though I didn’t feel hungry at all.

When I was back on the table, three boys were already sitting there. It was surprising to see Nick and Blaise on same table. Nick was fine but Blaise, he seemed out of place. His eyes were cold. He looked normal but the stiffness of his back and shoulders told me other story.

What is going on here?

“Hey,” I said as I took my seat, between Blaise and Jessica. Nick and Josh waved at me but Blaise hardly moved. He ignored me completely. I frowned. What was wrong with him?

“Hey B,” Nick called out and I rose my eyebrows at him prompting him to continue. “Thanks”

“For what?”

“For opening my eyes. I apologized to Blaise. You made me realize my mistake. I was upset over nothing.”

“Uh, it’s okay,” I said but uncertainty was clear in my voice. “And thanks to you too.”

“For what?”

“For giving me lift. I don’t know what went wrong with my car. That thing never works properly when I need it the most.” I shook my head.

“Blaise will help you. He knows how to fix cars.” Nick suggested.

My head turned to Blaise. His head rose and our eyes met. He seemed to be more at ease. After Nick apologized, he must be feeling better than before.

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