Chapter 26

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It was three in the morning, and the cold wind was nipping wherever it touched bare skin. The village was quiet, except for the hooting of night owls and the distant howls of wolves from the mountains. The sky was inky black, and apart from the streetlights, it was dark all around. Rajiv pulled his jacket tightly around himself and looked at Surjith, who seemed comfortable, being used to the mountains.

"It's a bit cold," Surjith said to Rajiv.

"A bit?" Rajiv asked.

They had lined up two cars in front of Teena's house. Both her and Sunaina's luggage were loaded in the first one, which was to be driven by Surjith, while they would travel in the second one with Rajiv.

The jingling noise of a keychain made them turn to the door, where they saw the mother and daughter dressed warmly for the cold. Teena locked the door, and they stood there for a few moments, staring at their fairy tale house. Finally, Sunaina murmured, "Mumma," clinging to her mother, overcome with emotion.

"We were nomads without a fixed home for so long until we came here. This house holds strong memories, dear, but it's time to go," said Teena, tears gently rolling down her cheeks.

They both walked toward Rajiv, and after drying her eyes, Teena said, "Rajivji, there is a Mata's temple nearby. It won't be open now, but we would like to pray there before we leave."

"Sure," said Rajiv. He turned to Surjith and said, "You go ahead, we'll follow in some time."

Surjith nodded, got into his car, and drove off. Rajiv got into the second car, with Sunaina in the front seat and Teena in the back, and they headed to the temple. The gates were closed, but under the streetlight, they could see the edifice. All three got out, and Teena and Sunaina prayed for a few minutes. Then Teena turned to Rajiv and said, "It's a new beginning for my daughter and me. We had to seek blessings. I've also prayed for your family, Rajivji."

Rajiv nodded in reply.

They got back into the car and started driving. Both Teena and Sunaina were lost in thought about their uncertain future, while Rajiv concentrated on the map on his phone to follow the route. After a few minutes, Sunaina said, "Uncle, is that car following us?"

By now, they had left the city and were in the deserted outskirts of the town.

"They've been behind us for quite some time. Are they also going to the airport?" she asked.

Rajiv glanced in the rearview mirror, a sense of dread creeping up on him. He accelerated, and the car behind them did the same.

"They're following us. How did your brother find out?" Rajiv asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't know, but please hurry," begged Teena.

They drove as fast as possible on the dark, winding mountain roads, but the car behind was gaining on them. Finally, at a small clearing on the side of the mountain, the pursuing car shoved into theirs, forcing it off the road into the dirt. Teena screamed in terror while Sunaina sat wide-eyed. Rajiv's hands clenched the steering wheel as he hit the brakes, stopping the car just before it launched into the mountain wall. Both Sunaina and Rajiv were saved by their seatbelts. The car behind stopped, and three men got out. Rajiv struggled to get out of the car but grabbed the gun Surjith had placed there earlier and discreetly tucked it behind him. Teena and Sunaina also staggered out of the car.

One of the men moved forward and in the light of their car, Rajiv and the others saw the cruel yet smiling face of Pankaj.

"Hello behena (sister), long time, no see," mocked Pankaj and Teena glared at him in return.

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