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Milly's Pov

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Milly's Pov

It's been a week since my dad picked me up from the airport, and let me tell you, this past week has been filled with nothing, but Isabella's whining about me not living with the Cullen's. I don't understand why she wants me to live with them because i've heard from dad that after she graduates, she is moving in with Edward, so why would she want me to live there too.

Speaking of Edward, i haven't seen him since dad picked me up from the airport, and i haven't felt like someone's in my head since then, too. He makes me skin crawl and makes me feel physically sick, but i don't know why, and i never want to know why. Isabella seems to worship the ground he walks on, and to be honest, i don't understand why because i see nothing absolutely nothing special about him.

Today is my first day working at Fork's hospital, and i'm very nervous because dad told me Carlisle Cullen works there, and i have no idea if i will be working with Carlisle or if Carlisle will mention my dad rejecting the living arrangements. I just want work to stay separate from home life, and i'm going to try my best to keep it that way.

I walk up the steps and out of the basement, which my dad renovated to be my own space, and walk into the kitchen ready for some breakfast before I leave to go to work only to see not only dad and Isabella sat around the kitchen table but also Edward and i groan in my head because as soon as i see him i feel someone in my head again.

"Morning sweetheart, have you got everything you need?" Dad said as I sat down beside him

"Yes, it's all in my bag by the front door, and i have my packed lunch too. I just need to grab my tumbler and eat breakfast, and then i'm ready to go." I said, then sip at my coffee

"My father works there, so there would be at least someone you know there." Edward said, looking at me

"No offence, Edwin or Edward, whatever your name is. I don't know you or your father, so there is no one i know there." I said as my dad pushed my breakfast over to me

"My Millie will make friends with whoever they want without anyone pressuring them. If they want to be friends with your father, then that's up to them, not you or i. You should eat, you need your strength." Dad said, then points at my food

"But char-dad if she makes friends with Carlisle she would be higher up at work and will be recognised." Isabella said, making me glare at her as i eat.

"Milly doesn't want to use someone to be higher up or recognised by working with someone. They want to be recovered by their own work and determination. They wouldn't want to use someone for their own gain. I raised Milly not to use someone to gain something in life, i raised them to understand that if they work hard enough and put effort, they will get far in life. " He said, then kissed my forehead

"Plus, i didn't get this far in my career by backpacking off someone else's work." I said as i finished eating my pancakes

"And what is your career?" Edward asked curiously

"I'm an OB/GYN and an emergency medicine physician." I said simply

"WHAT!?" Isabella yelled in shock

"Isabella, please inside voice. You sound like a banshee." I said coldly

"But how did you graduate so early and so young." Edward asked curiously

"Determinant, and they graduated high school at 14 with honours." Dad said simply

"I should get going, dad. I start my 12-hour shift in 20 minutes." I said softly to him

"I'll come by and see you a couple of times to make sure you're taking care of yourself. Go save people's lives, sweetheart." He said, smiling

"Of course you will. I love you, dad." I said and kissed his cheek

"I love you too, sweetheart, be safe." He said kissed my forehead

"Always." I said simply

I stand up, walk to the front door, grab my things, and then walk to the hospital because i do like my morning walks, especially in Forks. There's always something different happening in the morning, and it's lovely to see everybody leave for work or school.

I got to the hospital quicker than i expected, and i just stood in the car park just staring at the new building, wondering if this move truly is what's best for me. I had to leave all my friends and everything i have known because of something one person said to me, but it feels right as well as wrong to be here, and it feels like my life is going to change drastically.

I take a deep breath, walk into the hospital, and look at the email on my phone, which tells me to check in at Dr Cullen's office before my shift starts so i start my walk to find his office. I sigh and put my professional mask on because i will not let my personal life affect my work life. If Dr. Cullen asks about my living arrangements, i will respectfully tell him that we are at work and that my personal life is personal and shouldn't be spoken about at work.

In front of me is a door with Dr Cullen on it, i take a deep breath as i knock on the door, and to my surprise, the door immediately opens revealing and blonde almost white haired male with golden eyes.

"Hello, you must be Dr Swan." He says politely

"Yes, I'm Dr. Swan. Hello, Dr. Cullen. I was informed to check in here before my 12-hour shift." I said professionally and politely

"That would be correct." He said with a small smile.

That's when i knew my first shift here was going to be under a Cullen's watchful gaze. I had a feeling i would be watched by the head Cullen a lot.

 I had a feeling i would be watched by the head Cullen a lot

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