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Milly's Pov

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Milly's Pov

I open my eyes, groaning with how bright it is and close my eyes tightly. I hear movement beside me and some whispering, but i don't want to open my eyes again. I feel someone gently caressing my knuckles as the whispering continues, so i just relax. Some of my hair gets moved behind my ear as i hear someone mention getting me some clean clothes and a freshen up bag. I open my eyes, wanting to tell them to back off because all i want is my dad, but when i see, Esme is the one caressing my knuckles and tucking some hair behind my ear i forget everything.

"Morning, sweetheart." She said softly

"H-How long have i been asleep." My voice cracks

"All night, my dear. It's now the next morning." She said, nodding over to the window where I see the sun rising

"P-Please don't tell me he left me." I said as tears gathered in my eyes

"No, he didn't. My father is with him in the recovery room." A new voice said, making my head snap towards them

"Who are you." I said, gripping Esmes' hand

"My name is Rosalie, Rosalie Hale." She said softly

"Esme, what does she mean my dad is in the recovery room. Is he okay?" I asked, scared

"Milly, my dear. Your father had to have a risky operation. It turns out the man you performed CPR on in the ER shot your father more times than your father thought because of the adrenaline. Your father was shot in the shoulder and stomach. Carlisle got the bullet out of his shoulder without difficulty, but when Carlisle took the bullet out of his stomach, your father started to bleed internally, and it was severe internal bleeding." Esme said softly, watching my face

"Carlisle, my dad watched the entire surgery while the best surgeon did everything they could to save your father. The surgeon stopped the bleeding and repaired the damaged blood vessel, and now your father is recovering in the recovery room, but he is still asleep, and we don't know when he will wake up" Rosalie finished kneeling beside Esme

"He's okay right, he will wake up, right?" I asked as tears rolled down my face

"We have ever faith he will wake up dear." Esme said softly

"But we want to ask something." Rosalie said, getting a look of Esme.

"We know you don't want to leave the hospital but we know your father wouldn't want you to stay here or be alone right now so we are wondering if you would like to stay with us for a while until you father is awake and ready to go home." She continued making me speechless

"I know my son hasn't been the best behaved around you, but i promise if you come to stay with us me, Carlisle and Rosalie will make sure he keeps out of your way. Carlisle and i just want you to be safe and make sure you are looking after yourself during this hard time." Esme said, still holding my hand

"I don't know Esme. I don't know what dad would want. I don't know." I said, feeling my chest get tight

Before Esme could say anything, a door gets thrown open, and Carlisle comes walking in with sadness in his eyes, holding my fathers phone in his hands. When his eyes meet mine, he walks over, signals Esme and Rosalie move out the way, then he kneels down where Esme was once kneeled and he presses something on my dad's phone only for me to sob as i hear my dad's voice echo in the door.

"Hello, my noodle. I'm awake and okay, but when you hear this, Dr. Cullen would have put me in an induced coma for me to heal correctly because i was fighting him and all the nurses to find you. Don't be made at Dr Cullen okay, he just did what was best for me, but before he does put me in an induced coma, i asked him to let me make this voice recording for you. I fought him and the nurses to find you because I wanted you with me, so i knew you were safe because of what Renèe has put you through and i know you are going to whoop my ass for fight after such a major operation but sweetheart you are my little child and I would fight through hell and high water for you. Now Carlisle doesn't know this so he is going to be shocked right in front of me in a minute because of how much trust i'm going to put into him and his family but sweetheart go to the Cullen's place. I know i said i didn't want you living there, but right now, i want the best for you while i fight through this to be with you, sweetheart. I don't trust their son Edwin or Edward but i trust Carlisle and Esme, so please for me sweetheart go and stay with the Cullen's so you aren't alone and they can protect you from Renèe if she turns up. I love you, sweetheart, and i will fight through this to be with you. Just please look after yourself. Carlisle, i trust you, so keep my child safe for me. Esme please love and protect them like a mother because they need it right now."

His voice sounded so rough, and he even groaned every now and then from the pain, but that's definitely my dad's voice. By the end of the voice, not i'm crying into my knees as Esme holds me to her side.

I close my eyes and whisper just for you, dad, then i look, and Carlisle nodding my head slightly, letting him silently know i will go with them. If dad wants me to go with them, then i will because it's dad's wish, but i as soon as dad is awake and well enough to go home, i will go home with him.

"I will go call Alice to ask her to get the spare room ready." Rosalie said with a smile

"B-But what about Isabella." I whispered, knowing they would choose Isabella over me because everyone does

"Your father gave me instructions on what to do with Isabella, so don't worry, your little beautiful head about it. Rosalie will be going to your house to get some of your belongings because right now we need to get you home so you can freshen up and eat young lady." Carlisle said, standing up

"He will be safe, right?" I whisper

"He will be perfectly safe, i have him under the care of my best team. Can i pick you up, my dear. I dont want you walking in your condition. " He said softly

"I-I....Yes." I whispering, knowing dad wouldn't want me walking either

"Then let's get you home, little one." He said, gently picking me up

" He said, gently picking me up

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