✮ Part 6 ✮

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          "I've liked you since day one,"


I walked into first period this moring and saw Windy. Her head laid down on the table as Rosietta blabbered on about stupid shit. I walked over and sat down in my designated spot. Next to Windy. I patted her back.

"Hey," I spoke softly. Rosietta shut up, smiling weirdly. Windy groaned, weakly reaching up to grab her Starbucks coffee. I handed it to her, and then I took a sip myself. She finally lifted her head.

I've never seen her like this. What happened last night? "You good, shorty?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. She groaned again, Rosietta pulled me up from my seat and into the corner.

"She came out of her shell and finally used a sex toy for once...." Rosietta looked back at Windy with a caring expression like a loving mother. "A sex toy?" I questioned. I didn't think of Windy as that type of girl. "Yeah," Rosietta scoffed, acting like I didn't know what a sex toy was.

Windy raised her head again. I looked in her direction. "Did she hurt herself? Down there?" I asked Rosietta, getting worried for Windy now. "I don't know, she won't say anymore," Rosietta shrugged and walked over to her seat.

I sat back down next to Windy as the teacher walked in late. "Tom, it hurts..." Windy leaned into my chest. I stroked her hair, providing comfort. "How bad? On a scale of 1 to 10," I whispered. "10," she responded.

She definitely did some damage. "Did you know what you were doing?" I petted her shoulder. She shook her head. There's the explanation. She'd probably stretched herself out and panicked when she bled.

"Did you bleed?" I asked. "A little," she responded. I'd be driving her home today since her car still isn't fixed. But I'd be stopped by the CVS to grab her a few things.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── TIME SKIP ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

She barely paid any attention to class all day. I knew she was hurting. I handed her some Advil and water before we left school. I helped her waddle out to my car. All I wanted to do now is help her.

She needs to know that if she needs help with, with her sex life, I'll be here. I just don't think she knows that yet. I'd be more than happy to help. Talk her through it. Teach her.

"So, I'm going to stop by CVS and get you some things, okay?" I held her hand over the stick shift. She nodded. I pulled into the parking lot of CVS. I left the A/C on for Windy, and I quickly ran in.

I grabbed some lube, vaginal wipes, and cranberry juice. I paid and ran back out. I set the bag down in her lap and shut my door. "What's this?" She pulled the lube bottle out.

"It's lube....lubricant....so when you insert it, it'll go in easy?" I said. She looked at me weird. "I hate cranberry juice," she fake gagged. "It's to help prevent a UTI," I pulled out of the parking lot.

I sped down the road. It made Windy a little nervous, and she held tightly to the door frame. As I got closer to her house, I slowed down. I pulled up into her driveway. I helped her out and carried her bags in.

Nobody was home yet. So this was the perfect time. To help her out. "Go to your bedroom," I pushed her up the stairs gently. "Why?" She questioned.

I threw her over my shoulder, walking through her bedroom, which has weirdly many different spaces in it. Rich people. She beat my back, I three her down onto her bed. She groaned. "I'm not sticking it in again!" She yelled.

"Then I will," I grabbed the sex toy. She gasped. Covering her clothed entrance. "I've seen naked women before. You can't hide," I joked. It finally made her giggle.

I smiled. Tossing the sex toy away onto the TV shelf and laying down with Windy. Letting her cuddle me. She knew I was joking. She knew I'd never do anything to her without her permission.

I twirled her ginger hair around my fingers. Her curls are making a spring around my finger. I pulled loose strands out of her face. Feeling some of her soft, glowing skin beneath my fingertips. I loved her so much.

"You know I'd never hurt you," I smiled. She smiled back. "I know," she whispered. I felt the hot rush again. Shit.

I laid my head down on her chest. She put her hands on the back of my head. "Tom, your head is crushing my boobs," she chuckled. "They make good pillows," I chuckled back. We made eye contact again.

Her gorgeous piercing, earthy green eyes started into my hazelnut eyes. The world stopped moving. Her beautiful face. Would a kiss ruin our friendship? I don't want to risk it.

But damn......


I love Windy Addams.


I'm in love with my best friend. And she doesn't know. What's wrong with me? I can't possibly be that in love with her. Or maybe I am.

"Tom?" She giggled, pulling at my nose a little bit. I bit at her fingers playfully. I laid my head back down on her boobs. The soft skin.

"Hey, um....there's a party tomorrow, will you drive me?" She asked. The moment fled my mind. "Another party?" I asked. I've been driving her to parties since her little sister wreaked her car.

"Yeah," she smiled nervously. "I guess," I replied. She squealed and hugged my neck. Then we heard her dad's car pull up. "Shit," we both said in sync.

She jumped up from under me and pulled me into her massive closet. "Stay here, till I make sure he gets inside and takes his daily 2 hour shit," she whispered before shutting the door. A 2 hours shit? What does this man eat? Beans and Taco Bell?

"Ayo shortie," I whisper yelled. She hit the wall. I chuckled. I loved teasing her. I heard her dad's voice.

I fell back over one of her heels lying on the ground. I hit the massive closet. I groaned. I heard her father walk up the stairs. Fuck.


My father walked upstairs when he heard the loud fall. Maybe I should have turned lights on in my closet so Tom could see. "What was that?" My dad opened my door. I was lying on the floor like I had fallen.

"Sorry, I fell dad..." I chuckled. He glared at me. Doing a double check before walking away and shutting my door. I listened for the bathroom door to shut downstairs. Then I locked my bedroom door.

I ran back to my closet and found Tom rubbing his back from where he fell into my closet. "Sorry, it's clear now!" I smiled awkwardly. He stood up and made me check his back for any bruises. I didn't see any.

He was so muscular. So tan. So perfectly sculpted. I pulled my hand away from his back. "You're all good," I smiled.

He had to leave. I opened my window, and he crawled out and climbed off the roof. Blowing a kiss before leaving. I smiled. Leaning out my window.

He's so cute





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