✮ Part 1 ✮

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                     "I'm not a type."
                        "I'm a vibe."
                       ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──


Normally, I'd wake up and get dressed lazily for school. But today, hell, nah!
Today, well, more like tonight, I'm going to a party. My older brother Bryce is taking me. Isn't he just the sweetest?

"HEY LEPRECHAUN!? GET YOUR ASS OUT OR IM DRIVING TO SCHOOL WITHOUT YOU!" Bryce beat on my door. He's changed since he's played basketball for the last 7 years. I'm a junior this year. I opened my door, seeing Bryce's upset Monday morning face.

"I can drive myself now... stupid." I rolled my eyes and shut my door. I set my keys on the pink lanyard back down on my vanity. I grabbed my headband and used it to push my super curly hair back. I used to use a curler on my hair a lot back in middle school. My curls are just now coming back.

I put on some chapstick, then my favorite lipgloss, and then walked out of my room. I ran back and grabbed my bag and keys, and ran downstairs. Mom and Dad were in the kitchen, arguing over breakfast. As usual. "Um, Missy? Where are you going dressed like that?" I heard my father's voice from behind me.

"School, duh?" I said. Kinda annoyed. Dad's are so un-cool, am I right? "Not dressed like that you're not," dad said, pulling out his tape measure to measure my skirt. He's so overprotective.

"Todd, honey... she's 17....going on 18....let her go," my mom shook her head and pulled Dad back. I'm so glad she gets me. My dad eyed me one good time and went upstairs. "Thanks, mom! Love ya!" I blew her a kiss and ran out the door.

My freshman sister Mallory ran outside and hopped into my car. I smiled at her and let her choose the music for the ride to school. She played some Britney Spears and Green Day. I stopped by McDonald's and got us some coffees, and then I drove us to school. My best friend Rosietta waited in our usual parking spots.

"Took you long enough!" She said as her heels hit the concrete. She tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder and then hugged Mallory before Mallory ran over to her friends. I stepped out, holding out Rosie's coffee to her. "Iced caramel Frappuccino with extra whip? PERFECT!" She smiled as she sipped her coffee.

We walked into the school, our heels hitting the tile. Echoing through the halls. All the people in the hall turn and look. Me and Rosie turn and look at each other. I saw my cheer team. I waved and strutted off down the hall with Rosie to our first period, English.

I opened the door, and Rosie and I walked in. Mrs. Jonnie stood behind her desk, writing the lesson on the board. I rolled my eyes and sat my bag down on my and Rosie's seats in the back corner. I loved having the open table in front of us. All to us.

I sat down and sipped my coffee. Mrs. Jonnie turned around. "Oh! Hello girls!" She smiled in her usual high-pitched voice. "Hi!" I said back in a sarcastic tone. She's kinda annoying.

"So, girls....could you two take two new students on a tour around the school?" Mrs. Jonnie asked. "Us?" Rosie asked. "Mhm! I know you two girls are the most.....well known and you two work well together and have great personalities!" Mrs. Jonnie exclaimed.

"They came from Germany," Mrs. Jonnie also added. "Germany?" I asked, confused. "That's on the other side of the globe!" Rosie gasped.

-------TIME SKIP--------

Rosie and I walked down to the principles office to take the two new students on a tour. "Do you think they're hot?" Rosie asked. "I don't know, maybe!" I smiled.

I opened the door of Principle Mike. Two tall boys, maybe older than me, sat in chairs. "They're hot," Rosie whispered in my ear. I nodded, looking at the boys. "Girls, this is Tom and Bill,"

"Hey?" I smiled weirdly. I walked into principle Mike's office and asked a couple of questions. Rosie talked to the boys. "Rosie?"

"Yeah?" Rosie turned around as I said her name. "Which one are you taking?" I asked her. She pointed to the one with skinny black and white dreads. I'm assuming that one is Bill.

The guy with dark cornrows and baggy clothes watched Bill and Rosie walk out of the office. Then he looked up at me. He smiled a bit before standing up, damn was he tall. I feel like a midget compared to him! "Tom, Tom Kaulitz,"

I woke from my trance and shook his hand back. "Windy...Windy Addams," I smiled as I pulled my hand back. He's kinda hot. "That one boy your friend took was my twin brother," he noticed my confusion. I smiled again.

Tom and I walked down the halls. It was empty right now since class was going on. "So what classes do you have?" I asked, twirling my ginger curl around my finger. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"English 1st, History 2nd, Gym 3rd, and math 4th," he read off the paper. "Oh! We have the first three classes together!" I smiled and chuckled. He smiled back. He had a lip piercing that glimmered in the light. He's hot.

"Cool, so I guess I'll just follow you around then!" Tom smiled, putting an arm around my shoulder and patting before pulling back. Wow, physical touch. Nice. "So...it's lunch right now, and we have lunch together," I was going to ask if he wanted to come with me and Rosie to Chick 'Fil' A with us.

I saw Rosie and Bill running down the hall towards us. Bill stopped right in front of me and introduced himself, shaking my hand. Wow! He smelled good. "Windy Addams," I smiled back.

Bill's stare stayed on me for a free minutes before Tom touched his shoulder. They looked oddly alike. Bill was much more feminine than Tom, though. "Want to come with me and Windy to go eat?" Rosie asked with a happy smile. I think she likes Bill.

"Sure!" Both Tom and Bill said in sync. Twin telepathy much? I smiled and pulled out my car keys. "We can take my car!" I chuckled. "Be warned, everything in her car is decorated!" Rosie joked. But she ain't wrong!

My car was white on the outside and had pink custom leather seats. Daddy's money, of course. Mine going towards collage and maybe the mall. I'm just a girl, don't judge! Everyone got in my car.

I drove us to Chick 'Fil' A, and we went through the drive-thru. I parked in an empty parking spot and handed everyone their food. Tom and Bill's fingers brushed against mine as I handed them their food. I blushed and then handed Rosie her food.

I slid my sunglasses on and began to drive back to school as I ate my nuggets and ranch. I drank my Cola. I turned on some music, Brittney Spears.

I'm a vibe, right? Totally fetch.


                      Windy's Outfit:

                      Windy's Outfit:             

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