Chapter Eleven

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The two hours I had given everyone to be ready to head to Hogwarts had been spent catching up with Remus and introducing the man to some of the crew. He didn't stray far from me, though. He kept me in his eyesight as much as possible, touching my arm, shoulder, or back often. His wolf needed to be sure that I was actually there, so I let him.

Marco had been a bit upset by it all at first. He didn't stop glaring at Remus until I explained why he did it.

"Love, it's okay. Remus is a warewolf who almost lost his whole pack. His inner wolf, as alpha, is seeking out comfort from the pack he has left," I explained after pulling the blonde to the side for a moment while Remus was getting to know Hadrian, Ace, and the twins. "It's a bit worse with me since I'm seen as his beta, so he's a bit more touchy. I'm sure it'll calm down once Sirius gets here. As his mate, the attention will be given to him instead."

Marco had calmed down after that, asking Remus questions about his lycanthropy to see how similar it was to zoan types. I was happy to see them get along.

I stood outside with Oyaji and Marco, watching the twins chase Ace while Hadrian transfigured small obstacles for them. It was how they trained the girls to be able to get away if we were attacked. Marco and Thatch had done the same thing for Hadrian at that age, the other commanders helping out when they could.

I looked over the yard briefly before my eyes wandered back towards my children. Almost everyone was here, but I was holding out hope that Sirius would show up. I was worried with him having been in Azkaban for years. 13 to be exact. Would he be okay? Would his mind be okay?

"We're leaving soon, right, yoi?"

I glanced at Marco and nodded. It was time.

"Do a head count while I go get Remus. Looks like we'll be one short."

I gave him a peck on the cheek before heading over to where Remus was reading a book. Marco had given it to him after they had talked about Devil Fruits. He had found the topic interesting, so he had asked for a book on them.

"Remmy, we'll be leaving in a few minutes," I did softly, knowing that he would hear me. The man looked up at me with a sad smile. We both had hoped that Sirius would show up. "I'm sure Siri will be along soon. Out of all the Blacks, he got all of the good qualities from that family."

"I hope you're right, Lizzie. I..." He paused, frowning as his head turned back towards the house. His senses had picked up on something. "I can't believe it..."

I blinked as he got up in a rush, all but running back into the manor like his life depended on it. I quickly followed after him with a frown.

"Remus–" A gasp fell from my lips at the sight that greeted me in the foyer: tears welled up in my eyes before I let out a strangled cry and threw myself at the two men now embracing each other.

"Siri! I'm so sorry! I should've been there! I could've helped!'s my fault!"

Two too thin arms held me tighter as the dark haired man shooshed me. Both wizards tried to calm me as I kept muttering apology after apology. It felt like I was to blame for his imprisonment. I had the pull to get him a trial. I could've taken them both with me. Why hadn't I? Why had I been so selfish?

"Liz, yoi?" Marco must've come in after us. He sounded worried. "Why are you crying? And who's the skinny guy?"

I heard both Remus and Sirius chuckle as I slowly calmed down, wiping my eyes and looking at said thin man. He looked terrible. And his prison clothes were soaked.

"Sorry about that, mate. The tears are my fault," Siri said with a grin. "Sirius Black, by the way. And you are?"

I cleared my throat and, after wiping my eyes again, looked back at where Marco was standing. He seemed relaxed as he came closer, though his eyes were suspicious.

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