The past stays behind (leonel's prev)

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We were are McDonald's in the middle of the night and while we were watching for our orders licorice sat in front of me in the same table I'm at and had his head down, I believe it is the trauma kicking in again, licorice is it your kid again? I asked him; well yes but I just felt like it was my fault that I have let the evil go into him, when I seen his eyes I didn't want to ask him about anything if he will frust against me, so I had to just let it be but it leads to where we are now and I felt like I should be the one that will have the evil in the eyes again than him since he doesn't deserve do to any of this to people and the angels in heaven watching him as they will punish him when he dies, but it is to late and I should've done something when I saw him. He has told me; but licorice I don't think it was your fault, you could've just put him on medication or get him a therapist so it will help him out, but a real bad parent will let there kid done something like that, I told him; years ago when I was still in the human world my parents wouldn't get along with each other and my mother will just act up like a little kid a lot of the time due to her mental health, she will just ruin her health with tobacco and alcohol a lot that makes her act worse, she has hurt a lot of people even me and my sister that became like her and the other kids from the 2020's, even her other sins are making out with a lot of men due to her lust against guys mostly my dad, and a lot of the time she will say she will spend time with me in my room and play games with me and she never, there was this one time she told me to spend time with her in her room and I brought my PlayStation 3 over and then she yells that she wouldn't play, I walk out frustrated and she came after me wanting to punish me like a idiot as she screams through my door. she clams that she will change but has never since her health is the reason, and even though she has done good stuff it j doesn't save the trouble from all the other stuff she did since she will act worse over time, when she turn 40 and I left her for good she went out like a lunatic and started hurting a lot of people where I know she was getting worse so a couple years later I had to kill her off that way she will just stop doing all of this bs for good, I did the same with my sister since she was doing bad things to her body like my other relatives, and even killed my aunt and uncle since they are brainrotted and stupid like my mom as they do drugs. All there was left besides my grandmothers family in New York or my mom's dad family in Mexico was my dad and his family that but he left me due to depression from his family members dying from 911 but something I try to see him but he will shut the door on me. I felt very sad and very angry that all of this happened to me nut I had got away with the murder crimes, I was living all by myself in my grandparents house and been this sad ever since they died when I owned their house, all I got were my friends and some of my school teachers that will help me relieve my depression and my stress so I can feel better, but at the time I don't remember why I still felt that why even though I was through stuff already but I finally had felt better when I came to this world. I told licorice; I asked if he was there but he looks like he felt asleep, LICORICE! ARE YOU SLEEPING YOU SAD DADDY!? COME ON! I yelled as I slam my fist in the table waking him up, but he told me that he had heard everything I told him but I don't think I should trust him in that. Number 13! The McDonald's employees shouted out, stickman and clover brought over our orders. Poison mushroom came back from the restroom and asked what we were talking about but Tom told him about it and then Matt was playing in the arcade. Luigi asked if we should go back to see if things are okay if bell flower is probably causing trouble over there, I told him that if they text me about it then we will but for now we will be out and just do stuff all together while they are taking care of them at this point.

(Draw my stickman the book of darkness) book 1: nemesia cookieWhere stories live. Discover now