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Jennie's POV

You're fucked up Rosé. I didn't like your answer. I didn't like how Irene hug you so tight infront of me- it was sore for my eyes. Definitely it was a mistake that I gave them a chance to see her twice a month, now I have to deal with them everytime they'll drop by for a visit.

"Yah! How dare you tell us that it's over when we just step our feet here for a few minutes? You're so selfish Jennie" Irene scoff as if I push them outside.

She's irritating to be honest.

"Do you have the right to complain? Or do you want me to change rules this time Irene"

"You bitch!"

I think she can't take it anymore as she slap me across my cheek then grab my hair and shout at me.

"You ruin our life! Fuck you! You're a bitch!" she continue pull my hair.

If I'm just the usual Jennie I already fight back but I didn't, I let her hurt me. Seulgi grab her by the waist and Lisa interfere.

"Unnie!" Rosé's voice was higher than usual.

She look at Irene with a crease forehead.

"Rosé baby"

"Why did you hurt her?!? I told you she's good. She take care of me unnie. If you don't like her then don't hurt her!"

I smile in victory as I got Rosé's side this time, this is the way she acted when we're still not in good terms- when she's still Irene's baby.

"Rosé. Don't shout at your unnie. It's okay. I'm okay" I rub her arm.

She fix my hair then check my face.

"You sure Nini?" her voice is gentle.

I nod.

"S-Sorry Rosé. P-Please d-don't get mad to unnie" Irene pleaded.

didn't said a word, she was so quiet. She didn't even look at Irene or even Seulgi.

"I'm not mad. I'm upset unnie. You're not bad but.....why did you hurt Nini? You told me before that hurting people is bad. Are you bad now?" Rosé was teary-eyed while looking at Irene.

Plan success. They're now have a misunderstanding that'll cause them to be in bad terms or worst partway.

"Rosé baby I'm not bad it's just that.."

"You don't like Nini. I know that unnie because I hate her too"

I unbelievably look at Rosé. The heck!

"But when I was with her the whole time I feel safe. Yeah she's bad at the first day. The demon under my bed. But she's Nini. The good side of Jennie the devil"

I don't know if I should get offended with what she said. I'm still glad though that she's being honest.

"Rosé sorry"

"Unnie" Rosé point at me "Say sorry to Nini"

Irene and Seulgi exchange looks at each other, more like confuse of Rosé behaviour. Can't believe their what so called baby is taking my side now?

I cross my arms towards them with my one eyebrow up.

"Irene, eat your pride for now" I heard Seulgi mumble.

"Just for now. Not forever"

I can sense the venom on Irene's words.

"Jennie. I'm sorry about earlier" she bow at me 90 degrees.

This is what I like the most, people giving me respect or courtesy. I wanted to tease her but I refrain myself since I don't want Rosé trust to get broken.

"You're forgiven Irene, no big deal"

Rosé smile widely then clap her hands while doing little jumps.

"Yeeeyyyy! Everything's fine now!"

"Yes baby"

Irene glared at me when Rosé gave me a tight hug.

"Yah! The pancake! It's cold already" this cute baby pout.

I wanted to kiss her but her demonic unnie is here.

"Hmmmm how about you make more pancakes for us. What you think?"

She giggled "Okay honey I'll make more pancakes!!!"

I chuckled when she ran at the kitchen while calling Mr. Yang- my very own chef.

"Don't smile Jennie fucking Kim. This isn't over yet. You may win Rosé's sympathy but never her heart"

They walk pass me as they went on the kitchen, I smirk on my thoughts. You're wrong Irene. Rosé is already wrap around my fingers and I'll make sure she won't slip away, how about I'll take a little revenge on you Irene. Losing a restaurant isn't that bad right?

Let's see how far you can go. Rosé is mine. She's my property. I don't know you can easily be fooled Irene, you signed the contract without reading the entirety of it. You gave Rosé to me freely.


Her sweet voice is so enchanting. So pleasing. It aroused me. I need her tonight.


I saw her approaching me.

"Honey are you okay? Did anything hurt?" she kiss my head then my cheek "Does it hurt? I'll bring you to the hospital"

"Its okay baby. I'm fine. Anyway why are you calling me?"

"Mr. Yang said you know how to cook. Help me" she pouted.

I quickly steal a kiss "Hmmm okay baby let's go"We both went on the kitchen hand in hand, Irene and seulgi is sitting across the kitchen table while Mr. Yang is busy mixing the pancake.

"Look Nini, this is the one I first made" she show a burnt pancake on a plate.

I grimace on how bad it looks like "Lili it looks....erm bad"

Her smile fades away "I know. I thought you're..."

"But it looks cute" I giggled "is that a bear?"

Her face lit up "Waaaahhh! You guess it right! Yeah it's a bear!!!!"

It's just a wild guess, I didn't know it's what it is. The pancake have a shape but it doesn't look like a bear. It's like a monster.

"Nini I made this for you but Mr. Yang said you can't eat it so I'll make another one"

"Actually miss Kim she waste a lot already. That's the 15th pancake she burnt" Mr. Yang chuckled.

"Mr. Yang! That's supposed our secret! Hmmmppp" she crossed her arms cutely then slouch on one of the seats.

"Come baby, we will make another one. Don't be sad. Nini and Rosie will make a bear pancake"

"But I'll just burn it. I don't wanna do it anymore"

"Nini is here. We will do it together. I'll give you a reward if you do it with me"

She quickly stood up "Okay let's do it!"

I steal a glance at Irene and Seulgi who's now watching us. Irene look at Rosé with sorrow.

When Rosé is busy on pouring the pancake mix on the pan, I overheard the other two talking.

"Babe, I think Rosé likes it here already"

"I can see that"

"It's a good sign"

"Its not. Once she get used to this, its hard to convince her to get back to us. Especially now she's somehow taking Jennie's side, how much more in the future"

As I expected, I have to gain Rosé's trust. Once I get it nobody could get her away from me.

To be continued

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