Chapter 25

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A Family's Future

Ten years ago, Kim and Vegas were living in a state of bliss. They had just gotten engaged, and the world seemed brighter and more hopeful. Their family was overjoyed with the news, except for Kim's father, Korn, whose stern expression often darkened family gatherings.

Despite Korn's disapproval, the rest of the family showered them with love and support. Kim's siblings were thrilled, and even Tankhun, who had always been protective, gave his heartfelt blessing.

Vegas often found himself mesmerized by Kim's natural ability to nurture. One evening, as he watched Kim try to get their one-year-old son, Venice, to drink his milk, he couldn't help but smile. Venice, in typical toddler fashion, was tired and fussy, turning his head away from the bottle. Kim's patience and gentle persistence were admirable.

"Come on, Venice," Kim coaxed softly. "Just a little more. You'll feel better."

Vegas approached, placing a reassuring hand on Kim's shoulder. "Need some help?"

Kim glanced up, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and affection. "I think he's had enough. He's just being stubborn."

Vegas chuckled, taking the bottle from Kim. "Let me try."

He sat down next to Venice, who immediately reached out for his father's hand. Vegas smiled and stroked the baby's cheek. "Hey, buddy. How about a little more milk, huh?"

To their surprise, Venice accepted the bottle from Vegas, drinking a few more sips before finally falling asleep in his father's arms. Kim watched, his heart swelling with love.

"You're a natural," Kim whispered, leaning in to kiss Vegas's cheek.

Vegas held Venice close, looking into Kim's eyes. "I think we make a pretty good team."

Kim smiled, his eyes shining with happiness. "We do. And I love our little family."

Vegas's expression grew thoughtful. "I've been thinking, Kim. What do you think about expanding our family?"

Kim looked surprised but intrigued. "You mean... another baby?"

Vegas nodded. "Yeah. I know it's a lot of work, but I can't help but feel like there's more love we can give. What do you think?"

Kim's eyes softened as he considered the idea. "I think it's a beautiful thought. But we should probably wait until Venice is a little older, don't you think?"

Vegas nodded, understanding. "Of course. Whenever the time feels right."

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, watching their son sleep peacefully. Despite the challenges and Korn's disapproval, they were determined to build a happy, loving family together.

As they settled into bed that night, Kim rested his head on Vegas's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "This is the life i want and i feel happy."

Vegas wrapped his arms around Kim, holding him close. "I know, Kim. I love you."

"I love you too," Kim whispered, feeling safe and content in Vegas's embrace.

The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: their love for each other and their family would guide them through whatever came their way.

A few months later, their dream of expanding the family became a reality. They adopted a sweet one-year-old daughter and named her Leiah. Vegas had chosen the name, a cherished memory from his childhood.

"When my mom was pregnant," Vegas explained to Kim one evening, "I told her that if the baby was a boy, I would call him Macau. If it was a girl, she would be Leiah."

Kim smiled, his heart full. "Leiah it is, then."

Leiah quickly became the light of their lives, her laughter and sweet nature bringing even more joy to their home. Venice was fascinated by his new sister, often sitting beside her crib, watching her with curious eyes.

Their family felt complete, and despite the shadows cast by Korn's disapproval, Kim and Vegas focused on the love and happiness that filled their home. They were building a future together, one filled with hope, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Vegas and Kim cherished every moment with their children, savoring the simple joys of family life. They spent weekends at the park, playing on the swings and having picnics under the trees. Evenings were filled with bedtime stories and lullabies, with Vegas often strumming his guitar softly as Kim read to the children.

.As the months passed, their family grew even closer. Venice and Leiah thrived under the loving care of their parents, their bond with each other strengthening with each passing day.

They celebrated birthdays and holidays, creating memories that would last a lifetime.One of Kim's favorite memories was Leiah's first birthday with them. They had thrown a big party, inviting friends and family to celebrate.

Leiah had been the center of attention, her bright smile and infectious laughter bringing joy to everyone around her."Happy birthday, sweet girl," Vegas had said, lifting Leiah into his arms. "We're so lucky to have you."Leiah had giggled, reaching up to pat her father's face. "Dada!"

It was moments like these that Kim held close to his heart, reminders of the love and happiness that filled their lives.Their home was a haven of warmth and joy.

Vegas and Kim worked together to create a nurturing environment for their children, balancing their own careers with the demands of parenthood. They supported each other through every challenge, their love growing stronger with each passing day.

Calm before the storm

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