s e v e n - Flower Tiaras and choco chips.

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Shimla, 2005 ~ RAJVEER'S HOME.

As they walked into their cozy home, Aavira's curious eyes locked onto Rajveer's, her voice filled with wonder. "Dadda, who was that girl? The one who told us stories in the library?"

Rajveer's expression faltered for a moment, before he forced a smile. "Oh, baby, she was just a friend. Let's not think about it now, you wanted to watch your favorite show, right?"

Aavira's eyes narrowed slightly, but she nodded, her face lighting up with excitement. "Yeah! I want to watch Elsa and Anna!"

Rajveer breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the distraction. He turned on the TV, and they settled in to watch, but his mind wandered back to Akshara. Who was she? Why couldn't he remember her? The questions swirled in his head like the snowflakes outside, refusing to settle.

As the night wore on, the room grew cozy, the TV casting a warm glow over the snowy landscape outside. Rajveer got up, his eyes still lost in thought, and headed to the kitchen. "Hey princess, want some hot maggi? I'll make it extra yummy, just for you."

Aavira's eyes lit up, her face breaking into a smile. "Yessss, Dadda! I love maggi!"

Rajveer smiled back, his heart warming at her enthusiasm. "Coming right up, baby."

As they sat down to eat, Aavira chattered excitedly about her favorite show, her eyes shining with excitement. Rajveer listened, his heart aching with love for his little girl, but his mind still wandering back to Akshara.

"Hey Dadda, why are you so quiet?" Aavira asked, her voice filled with concern.

Rajveer forced a smile, his eyes meeting hers. "Just tired, baby. It's been a long day."

Aavira nodded, her face understanding. "Okay, Dadda. But you promise me one thing?"

"Anything, baby."

"You'll always tell me the truth, no matter what?"

Rajveer's heart skipped a beat, his eyes locked onto hers. "I promise, Aavira, always."

As they sat on the couch, savoring the hot maggi and watching TV, Aavira's face suddenly fell, her eyes widening in distress. "Oh no, Dadda!! I forgot my book! The one we selected in the library!"

Rajveer's expression softened, his voice gentle. "Hey, hey, it's okay, baby. We can always go back to the library tomorrow and get it."

Aavira's face scrunched up, her lower lip trembling. "But I wanted to read it tonight! I was so excited!"

Rajveer set his bowl aside and pulled Aavira into a warm hug. "Shh, it's okay. We'll get it tomorrow, I promise. You can even read it to me, deal?"

Aavira sniffled, her tears subsiding as she nodded into his chest. "Deal, Dadda."

Just then, the doorbell rang, breaking the moment.

As Rajveer opened the door, his eyes widened in surprise, his heart skipping a beat. Standing before him, like a vision from the past, was Akshara. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds in the evening light, her hair cascading down her shoulders like a waterfall of night. But it was the bouquet in her hands that caught his attention  a stunning arrangement of flowers, with Aavira's book nestled among the blooms.

Aavira, still in Rajveer's arms, gasped in wonder, her eyes fixed on Akshara. "Aunty!!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

Akshara's face lit up with a radiant smile, her eyes shining with warmth. "Hey there, little one!" she said, her voice husky with emotion. "I brought your book. I thought you might need it."

Rajveer's eyes met Akshara's, a thousand unspoken words hanging in the air between them. He felt like he was drowning in her gaze, like he was home again after a long, long journey.

Aavira, sensing the tension, wriggled out of Rajveer's arms and ran to Akshara, throwing her arms around her waist. "Aunty, I'm so happy to see you!!"

Akshara's face contorted with emotion, her eyes brimming with tears. "Me too, baby. Me too."

Aavira's eyes sparkled with excitement as she tugged on Akshara's hand, pulling her into the house. "Come on, Aunty! Let's go inside! Dadda, can we have hot chocolate? Pleeease?"

Rajveer's face relaxed into a warm smile, his eyes never leaving Akshara's. "Of course, baby. We'll make some hot chocolate."

As they stepped into the cozy living room, Akshara's eyes scanned the space, taking in the familiar surroundings. Memories came flooding back, memories of laughter, tears, and countless moments shared with Rajveer. Her heart swelled with emotion, her eyes meeting Rajveer's.

Aavira chattered excitedly, her eyes shining with joy, as she led Akshara to the couch. "Sit down, Aunty! I'll get the hot chocolate!"

Rajveer followed, his eyes fixed on Akshara, his mind racing with questions. Who was she? Why did she feel so familiar? And why couldn't he remember?

Aavira returned with steaming mugs of hot chocolate, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Here we go! Hot chocolate party!"

"Hey pretty girl thankyou so much, well along with your book I got you few flower tiaras and choco chip cookies which I prepared for you", Akshara said as she handed it to Aavira.

"Woww aunty, they are so pretty!! Look dadda!!", Aavira said as she wore her tiara and twirled with her flowy dress in her hand.

"You look perfect my princess", Rajveer said.

" Sorry to ask so, but how did you know my house?", Rajveer asked to Akshara.

On which Akshara laughed and said, " please don't think that I was stalking you, it's just few things which we can't get over, or can't forgot. "
       You still live at the same place Rajveer where we had lived all our hugs and cherished all our kisses", Akshara said on which Rajveer's eyes sparkled.

" C'mon guys, let's make a fireplace as it's soo cold, and pleaseee, aunty will you stay with us and tell us a story..... as dadda never tells one and I don't have mumma, Aavira said which left Akshara speechless as a minute ago she was expecting her mother to appear but reality was something else.

This story is rollercoaster of all emotions, keep reading to know more🦋
~with love and regards, laysaawrites

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