People pleaser

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Sorry, pardon me,
I wrote a poem, care to see?
It won't offend anybody,
I promise,
If it does I'm already sorry,

If you want to you can stand on my feet,
So I don't step on yours,
Please tell me if it's too bleak,
I can change and adapt for you,

If you think I'm too warm,
I can be cold,
If you think I'm too shy,
I can be bold,
I can do what you like,
I can be what you like,
But I don't know what I'm like,
I don't know who I am,

My masks won't come off,
I'm afraid the girl underneath is gone,
Before she cared what you think,
Before her eyes were closed and she could blink,
But unlike her,
I care what they think

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2024 ⏰

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