A sticky situation: Chapter 3

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Let's go. Chapter 3 is here.

As they were walking back to the clubhouse, Toodles started to ring. It was time for dinner, and it wasn't done yet.

"Oh n-n-no! Dinner is s-s-starting, and we haven't done y-y-yet!" He panicked.

"It's OK, Toodles. We still have a bit of time left." She tried to reassure him.

The weight was too much now. He felt like he could hardly hover. He was gonna burst. His ears started to flap quickly, jingling while doing that. He was panicking.

"Toodles, are you OK?" Minnie asked, worried.

"I'm so s-s-sorry Minnie. It's m-m-my fault you can't g-g-get dinner ready. I just wanted to help you. B-B-But now, I've made a b-b-big mess." He said, looking at the ground. He felt and looked like he was going to start sobbing any moment.

Minnie looked at him with sympathy and held him in her hands. He let out a sob, and Minnie pulled him close to her, allowing him to cry freely into her chest.

"Oh sweetie, it's going to be OK. Accidents happen, and you helped me a lot today. I don't want you to hold on to this weight anymore. We'll find a way to get this off and do dinner. I promise." She cooed and reasured him.

Suddenly, all the weight he was holding onto evaporated into thin air. He felt so much lighter and calmer. His ears stopped shaking, and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding onto. He was OK. Minnie was sitting down on a nearby rock, and they were in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"T-T-Thank you, Minnie." He said, breaking the silence.

"Anytime, Toodles. Are you OK now?" She asked, pulling him away from her chest to see his screen.

"I'm ok now." He said, giving her a genuine smile.

"I just wish this jar could come off. Every single thing we tried didn't work." He said with a puzzled face.

Suddenly, Minnie's face lit up.

"We tried every single thing. But we didn't try them together. If we put all the ideas together, we might have a chance." She beamed.

"T-T-Thats a great idea. Let's try it." He grinned.

They both ran towards the clubhouse, and luckily, everyone was there. Mickey was the first one to speak.

"Hiya, guys. Oh, man. I see that the jar is still stuck on your hand, Toodles." He said.

"Well, I-I-I won't be stuck for l-l-long. Minnie has an i-d-d-dea." He said, flying back to Minnie's side.

"We need all the things we used to try and get Toodles' hand free and use them all together. It might be slippery enough to get his hand unstuck." She said.

Everyone pitched in to help, and they gathered all the things they used. Minnie squirted the soap, Mickey used the hand sanitiser, Donald used the bubbles, Pete used the slippery honey, and Clarabelle used the butter. Toodles' hand was all lathered up, and everyone was holding on tight. Minnie, Mickey, and Donald held onto the jar, and Daisy Pete and Clarabelle held onto Toodles.

"One,two, three, pull!" Mickey exclaimed. They pulled and pulled and pulled until finally, the jar slipped off his hand. Everyone fell back, and he was free.

"It worked. I'm f-f-free!" He cheered while he spun around in the air, his ears glowing.

Everyone cheered with him, and he flew down to the gang.

"H-H-Hey. We still have a dinner to m-m-make." He grinned.

Mickey pulled the silly switch, and the kitchen appeared. Everyone worked together to make the best dinner known to man. By the end of it, it was like a feast. There was enough food for everyone.

"This is the best dinner ever, Minnie." Daisy said.

"Thank you, Daisy. But I couldn't have done it without you guys." She smiled.

"And I hade oodles of help too." She whispered to Toodles, who winked at her. She winked back and continued with their meal. Let's just say that since that day, Toodles always helped Minnie in the kitchen, and not only did the portion of food grow, but their bond did too.

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