chapter 2

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*Taehyung quickly saw a figure appearing on the road, and his body tensed up. He immediately slammed on the brakes, his heart racing in panic.*

He immediately go out of the car reaching out to the woman in front of him.
"Are you alright", he asked.

*The woman looked up at Taehyung, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion and shock. She nodded her head slowly.*
"I-I think I'm okay...", she said, her voice shaking slightly.

She said without looking at him as she was facing the floor sitting on it.
Oh god thanks a lot let me help you, he said bending to pick up the things.

*The woman looked up, her eyes meeting Taehyung's for the first time.*
"No, no, it's okay...I can do it...", she protested, but Taehyung ignored her and continued to pick up the things that had scattered on the ground.

"I'm so....yn". before he can complete his sentence he realised she is yn.

*Taehyung froze for a moment as he recognized who the woman was. His mind was flooded with a mix of emotions, but he tried to keep his composure.*
'Oh my God taehyung. How are you it's been a long time."
She said being excited or act normal as he was just a friend.
But taehyung also don't react much so also greet her.

*Taehyung's heart skipped a beat when he heard her voice, his chest feeling tight as all the memories and pain came rushing back. But he forced himself to remain calm and act normal.*
"Y-yeah, it's been a while...I'm good," he replied, his voice a bit shaky.

"I'm so sorry taehyung i have to go as I have something important."
By the way nice meeting you.

*Taehyung's heart sank as she mentioned having to go.*
"Wait, ah...can we talk for a minute?", he asked, grabbing her wrist lightly to stop her from leaving.

Ahm actually...

*Taehyung could sense the hesitation in her voice, and he felt a pang in his chest.*
"Please...", he said, his voice softer now. "Five minutes, that's all I ask."

"Ok let's have coffee from my favourite cafe."
She is acting so normal and happy is she really forget about our relationship. Don't taehyung look at her maybe she is with the right person. He thought following her inside the cafe.

*He couldn't help but notice how normal and happy she seemed, like she had moved on completely. It hurt him to see her like this, but he didn't want to show it. Instead, he followed her into the café, the memories of the past filling his mind.*

So how is your mom.....

*He was a bit taken aback by her simple question, but he replied anyway.*
"My mom is doing well, thank you for asking. How about your parents?"

"Ah we meet often because my husband is a busy person."', She said with a quite laugh.

*Taehyung's heart clenched at the mention of her husband, but he tried to hide his emotions.*
"So... you're married now?", he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Yah I'm sorry everything happened so fast so I can't invite anyone.

*Taehyung felt a wave of disappointment and regret wash over him. He had hoped that she would still be there waiting for him, but she had moved on and married someone else.*
"No, it's okay...", he said, forcing a smile. "I understand. You don't need to apologize."

So what about you what are you doing now or about your girlfriend.

*He paused for a moment, not expecting her to ask about his personal life so casually.*
"I'm... I'm single.", he said quietly, looking down at his coffee cup.

"No way, taehyung i expect you to have a girlfriend atleast look at you,you are so handsome."

*He chuckled, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.*
"Thank you... but honestly, I haven't had much time for relationships lately. I've been too focused on work."

"Hm it's good. Ok thanks for the coffee."
She said but the spoon fall and she band down. Revealing a mark on her back waist.

*As she bent down to pick up the spoon, her shirt rode up a little, revealing a small bruise on her back waist. Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise and concern. Without thinking, he reached out to her.*
"Wait... what's that?", he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Oh 😳 no...thing i go..t into an accident.

*Taehyung's heart skipped a beat at her casual response. He didn't believe her.*
"That doesn't look like an accident...", he said softly, gently touching the bruise on her back.

She back of a little.
"Ok I have to go now will meet you next time."

*He reluctantly let her go, but his mind was racing with questions. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He watched her walk away, his heart heavy with concern.*

In Office:

*Taehyung sat in his office, his mind preoccupied. He was trying to work, but he couldn't focus on anything. His thoughts kept drifting back to yn and the bruise he had seen on her back. He knew he shouldn't get involved, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of worry and care.*

"Sir", he didn't reply.....

*Taehyung was jerked out of his thoughts as someone spoke to him. He looked up and saw Jungkook standing in front of his desk.*
"What is it?", he asked, his voice a bit distracted.
"Where are you lost miss Lee is asking you something."jk ask.

*He shook his head, trying to refocus his attention.*
"Right, I'm sorry. What is it that Miss Lee wants?"

"Sir i don't want any did something happened should I make tea for you."

*Taehyung looked at miss lee with a small smile.*
"No, it's okay. I'm fine. Just... lost in thought."

"Hyung let's have some fress air as you lost your mind I think."

*He chuckled lightly, appreciating Jungkook's concern. He pushed away from the desk and stood up.*
"Yeah, you might be right. Some fresh air would do me good."

They are roaming around the office and noticed something.

"Miss jiwon where is mr. Wang."

*Miss Jiwon looked up when they approached her, and smiled.*
"Mr. Wang? He's in his office. Why?"

No he is not...., taehyung cut her words.

*Miss Jiwon looked surprised at the statement.*
"He left? But he didn't say anything about going out. That's strange..."

"Don't worry miss jiwon go back to your work i will handle this.", Taehyung said before leaving.

*Miss Jiwon nodded and went back to her work, while Taehyung and Jungkook left the office to investigate Mr. Wang's disappearance.*

*As they approached Mr. Wang's office, Taehyung came to a sudden halt. What he saw made his heart skip a beat and his breath catch in his throat.*

"Hyung what happened.",jk noticed him.



check out my other books 📚

📍Naked 📚 smut stories of Kim taehyung.

📍 Abusive hasband 📚 not phisical but mentally abusive as he has to parsanality.(Complete 💯)

📍Mine to rain 📚 mafia slave yn.

📍 Fucking mine 📚 revenge story of taehyung including BTS members short stories.

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