chapter 15

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*Taehyung takes a minute to figure out who it is before unlocking the door and opening it. Jisoo stands in front of him, a mix of irritation and relief on her face. She steps inside, her annoyance obvious and directed towards one person.*


Jisoo: "Taehyung, you won't believe the day I had. I swear, that Jackson is the most arrogant and infuriating person I've ever met!"

Taehyung: How did you get here please come, how is yn.

*Jisoo scowls and shrugs.*

Jisoo: "I took a cab. And about Yn, she's resting, thankfully. But can you believe the nerve of that Jackson? He barged in, demanding to see her, being all rude and disrespectful. The way he talks and acts...ugh, I can't stand it."

Taehyung: Jisso, how much you know about yn.

*Jisoo takes a seat, her expression serious.*

Jisoo: "What do you mean? I know about her fainting and low blood pressure. I've been taking care of her because she's been having health issues lately. Plus, I'm her friend and she confides in me."

Taehyung: Oh, no not like that i mean how did you get friends and how you settled beside her apartment.

*Jisoo looks a bit confused by the question.*

Jisoo: "oh that... well, we met at an art exhibition a while back. Her paintings were so amazing, we started talking and clicked instantly. And as for living near her, it was just a coincidence. I was looking for a new place and the apartment next to hers happened to be available. We decided it would be great to live close since we get along so well."

Taehyung: Um can you I ask something about yn...

*Jisoo nods, giving Taehyung a curious look.*

Jisoo: "Sure, go ahead."

Taehyung: What kind of relationship they have. I mean yn and Jackson.

*Jisoo's eyes widen slightly, surprised by the question.*

Jisoo: "Oh, I see... well, their relationship is... complicated. They're married, but it's pretty obvious it's not a happy marriage. Jackson always berates and belittles her, it's infuriating to witness. He doesn't treat her right one bit."

Taehyung: Did did he ever try to abu... abuse her.
His heart beats are not in his control he doesn't want to hear the truth.

*Jisoo's face falls, a hint of sadness in her eyes.*

Jisoo: "Unfortunately, yes, he has. I've seen bruises on her body, heard her talking about the verbal and emotional abuse. It's heartbreaking, and it makes me furious. I've tried to intervene and help her many times, but she always makes excuses and defends him. She's so scared and controlled by him, it's like she's trapped in a prison."

Taehyung: Maybe there something bothering her more... that's why she is silent.

*Jisoo furrows her brow, contemplating her words.*

Jisoo: "I've known Yn for some time now, and she's usually quite transparent with me. But recently, she's been more closed off. It's like she's carrying a heavy weight on her shoulders, and I can't seem to reach her like before. I've tried talking to her, but she just dismisses everything and keeps it bottled up inside."

And than she remembers.... about yn parents...that she ask her about finding them as Jackson hide them somewhere.
*Jisoo nods, understanding the implications of the situation.*

Jisoo: "Yes, she has been searching for her parents recently. Jackson is refusing to help her in any way, which is just cruel if you ask me. It's obvious she's desperate to find them, and Jackson's refusal is making the situation even more complicated for her."

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