chapter 7

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*Jackson looks at her, his expression a mixture of annoyance and indifference. He knows she's pleading with him, but his mind is made up.*
"Save your pleading. You know the rules. No excuses"
*He reaches out, grabbing her roughly, pulling her closer to him.*

Ahhh umm,

*Jackson ignores her pained cry, his grip on her tight. He positions her on the bed, taking control of the situation, his actions rough and demanding.*
"You don't get to tell me what to do. You're mine, and you will obey me."

Ahhhmm please...

*Jackson's patience has worn thin, his tone sharp and demanding.*
"Stop your whining. You know what you're here for. Now be quiet and submit."
*He doesn't wait for her response. He moves over her, his body pressed against her, trapping her in place. He holds her wrists firmly, pinning her arms above her head, preventing any escape or resistance.*

...her breathing going unbearable.

*Jackson takes advantage of her helplessness, his grip on her wrists relentless. He moves his body closer, his weight pressing her further into the bed. His free hand begins to explore her body, his touch rough and greedy, devoid of any.
Ahm umm ahhhh...

*A smile of satisfaction spreads across Jackson's face as he hears her gasps and moans. He continues his exploration, his touch both possessive and overpowering, his eyes fixed on her, watching her every reaction and expression.*

Pls... please ahm i can't..

*He ignores her pleas, his grip tightening on her wrists, his voice low and dominant.*
"You're mine, remember? You don't get to tell me what to do. I know what you need, and I'll take what I want."

Ring ring
Jackson cellphone ring.

*Jackson sighs in irritation at the interruption.*
"Dammit. Who is it?"
*He releases his grip on her wrists and reaches for his phone, picking it up to answer the call.*

"Hello,Mr weng.It's about the file I ask you to complete today what about that.
Taehyung ask politely.",

*Jackson looks at yn, a hint of irritation flashing in his eyes. He responds to Taehyung's query, his voice slightly strained.*
"I'm working on it, sir. I'll have it completed and sent to you within the hour. Apologies for the delay."

"Mr. Weng way can't you do your work on time. Send me immediately you have 30 minutes and I don't want any delay now.", taehyung said as always like a cold boss.

*Jackson's irritation spikes even further. He acknowledges Taehyung's demand, his tone a mix of frustration and obedience.*
"Understood, sir. I'll send the file immediately. It won't take more than 30 minutes."
*He hangs up the call, releasing a silent curse under his breath.*

Meanwhile taehyung's house:
After cutting the call.
" I know you are hiding something yn. Mr. Jackson weng i don't think he is the right person for you. there will be two things 1st you don't know about him having affair with his secretary or 2ed you are in a ignoring everything but way."

*Taehyung takes a deep breath, his mind racing with suspicion and concern for yn. He couldn't believe that she might be blind to Jackson's infidelity or trapped in an abusive relationship. The thought made his chest ache with a mix of worry and protectiveness.*

*He clenches his fists, trying to control the flood of emotions that threatened to overpower him. He had to find a way to help yn, to show her the truth about Jackson, without coming off too strong or meddling in her life.*

Meanwhile yn's place:

Jackson leave her on the bad without saying anything.
*After hanging up the phone, Jackson quickly rises from the bed, leaving yn alone and spent. He exits the room without a word, closing the door behind him. The sound of his footsteps fading away down the hallway.*

*Yn is left lying in bed, her body marked with the remnants of Jackson's possessive touch, her mind swimming with confusion and resignation. She feels a mix of relief and emptiness now that Jackson is gone, but she knows that this cycle will repeat itself again and again.*
*Alone in a room that feels too small and suffocating, yn's tears flow freely, a silent release of the emotional torment she's endured. The pain and the fear seem to merge into one, leaving her feeling both overwhelmed and defeated.*
*She lies there, her body and mind exhausted, as the tears continue to stream down her cheeks. The silence in the room is deafening, broken only by her soft sobs. In those moments, her thoughts turn to Taehyung, the memory of their past together resurfacing like a lifeline in the darkness.*


"So what you are not coming taehyung" yn said....
*Taehyung looks at her, his expression a mix of disappointment and resignation.*
"I have work, yn. I can't just ditch my responsibilities."

"I know that but your brother already told me there is no problem you can come with me. Or your mother is discharged from the hospital. She will be happy after meeting you."

*Taehyung sighs, torn between his obligations and his desire to be with her. The thought of his mother's reaction and her happiness tugs at his heart, but his mind is still clouded with doubts.*
"I don't know, yn. It's not that simple. There are things I need to take care of."

"What type of things taehyung just say it that you don't want me to meet your parents."
*Taehyung's expression shifts, a hint of guilt crossing his face.*
"It's not that, yn. I just..."
*He hesitates, avoiding her gaze, as if struggling to find the right words. His silence speaks volumes about his inner conflict.*

It's ok taehyung i thought you are not like others but maybe everyone is right I'm using you because my father has a small company.

*Taehyung shakes his head, his tone laced with frustration.*
"Dammit, it's not like that, yn. You know I care about you, but it's complicated. Don't make assumptions about me based on what others say. They don't understand us."

Ofcourse they understand. When I'm telling you that your brother has no problem, plus he is managing the company. You are just a student i know he will never give work load on you.

*Taehyung's frustration mounts, his words becoming sharper.*
"It's not just about the work! It's about my family, my future, and everything I've been working towards. They have certain expectations, yn. You don't understand the pressure I'm under."

What do you mean taehyung, im also studying and helping my parents.

*Taehyung's voice becomes more adamant.*
"It's not the same, yn. My family expects me to follow in my father's footsteps, be the perfect heir to the company, and uphold our family legacy. You don't understand what it's like to have that kind of weight on your shoulders."

Ofcourse i can't so i don't think i have to stay here more maybe I'm disturbing you.
Saying that she left...

*As yn turns to leave, Taehyung feels a pang of frustration and regret. He knows he's said something he shouldn't have, that he's let his own stress and fears get the better of him.*

*He steps forward, trying to stop her.*
"Wait, yn."

End of flashback:

*Back in the present, yn's mind races as the memory of that conversation floods her thoughts. The pain and frustration she felt that day still linger, mingling with the complexities of her current situation. She remembers the hurt in Taehyung's eyes and the regret in her own heart.*

Thinking all that she slowly pushed in  her sleep....


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