Chapter 6 - Chaos

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Uh, after this, I should be posting the little book with all my designs as I go. Sometime.. So if you wanna see some stuff then check out down there. I'll even post some other random doodles mayhaps. :3333


[Sabre's POV]

"Alright. Now that everyone is here, we can officially begin the meeting."

My wings drooped. I had no time this morning to practice what I was gonna say!! At least Time didn't have the time to ruin my nest this morning.. I never held it against him since I never told anyone what it really was. So he thought I just slept really messily and was only trying to be nice. It also doesn't really look much like a nest by the morning anyways, so he can't tell.

My breathing quickened at the thought of the meeting, but Time was still there holding my hand almost since we arrived. So a quick squeeze helped calm me down a tad.

Exceeeeeeeept when all of the leaders' heads turned to look at me, Time, and Light; aka, the people who knew what were going on. The eyes tore holes into my soul and farther. My wings fluffed up before Time spoke, thankfully taking the lead.

"So, there maaaay be a little something we've been keeping from most everyone in this room."

I could see all of the the leaders' visible confusion. With the exception of M who had a sneaking suspicion of what we were talking about.

There was a small snicker coming from somewhere behind me, causing me to whip around. The laugh had come from the hooded figure, though I knew it was TR. I looked away from him quickly, not wanting to stare too long and possibly make him mad.

Time continued on. "There isn't really a way to ease into this subject, so I'm just gonna put it simply." Time paused and took a deep breath before speaking once again. "So, after the loop was reset, a multiverse was created. One with the main constant in every one being Sabre. It's basically a ton of parallel sets of worlds that share the same people and concepts, but have differences from each other."

Time stopped to let it all sink in. The leaders' expressions were mixed, though all of them were silent. It... Unsettled me to say the least..

Even though Time was already holding my hand; M, who was on the other/right side of me, rubbed my right forearm for a moment before pulling away. He knew the leaders were about to yell at me and wanted to give that bit of comfort before the chaos, telling me it would be okay. It helped a bit.

It took a hot second for them to get what was being said, before all of a sudden the Yellow Leader yells out. It hurt my ears and my wings fluffed up one again.

"You're joking right!? Are you kidding??! Why in Origin's name would you hold that big of a piece of information from us?! We're the rulers for Spirit World's sake!!" He sounded so angry...


Everyone was taken aback by the sudden outburst. I could tell from that feeling in the back of my head that even TR was feeling that same way. I also saw that Time was.. Shaking a little bit..? Why would he be shaking from yelling? Maybe it's just my imagination, I'll ask later...

M shot up, his poofy hair bouncing on the way. He also seemed angry now, except at the Yellow Leader. "Don't talk to him like that!! Sabre has done nothing but help us! So he must have had a good reason to keep it from almost everyone." I shrunk back in my seat and felt Time's hold on my hand get stronger.

"Oh really? He may have helped in the long run, but have we forgotten just how immature Sabre used to be when he was supposed to be a hero?? How many steves got hurt because he couldn't stop himself from falling to the darkness!?"

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