A Good Start

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I couldn't stop giggling...excitement practically was radiating off of me.

I mean look at this fucking costume! Black with a pink eye on the chest...a symbol of that feeling someone's watching me.

The suit itself cut off halfway up the neck, no mask, no one who saw me like this would live to point me out.

The katana was held in the dark red holster on my back, I'd painted it pink also. Fucking. Sick.

I figure it'll be a few short days before people find the guy dead in Lexi's house, perfect amount of time for me to get shit done.

But first, a nap! Making costumes is tiring.


After what felt like only minutes, I was awaken by the sound of someone moving.

Ooh, a victim.

I rolled off my bed and crept out of the room, pistol on hand and ready to fire.

I saw the brunette woman in a blue sweater, skinny jeans and blue converse.

I think...she goes to my school.

How the actual fuck did she find my house? The only person I really talked to was Lexi...

I'm positive that this was one of Lexi's friends...she'd probably been around more than I realized.

But why was she in my house, what was she looking for?

I jumped out from the corner and aimed the pistol at her as she walked through the house, silently creeping behind her, slowly until I was directly behind her and the barrel of my gun was nearly touching her head.

This feeling was incredible, the amount of control I had over the situation was intoxicating.

I took one hand off the gun and put it over her mouth, no screams.

I put the gun to the back of her head, dragging her to the ground with the hand over her mouth, the vibration from her muffled screams leaving my hands tingling.

I grabbed the duct tape from my kitchen drawer and put it over her eyes, taping her hands and feet together and sitting her on the floor in the kitchen.

She was delaying me...I needed to get this done fast.

"Who the fuck are you?" I said in a harsh, irritated tone.

She remained silent and I drew my katana, I had no time for her fucking games.

Pointing the blade directly outwards, I placed it under her chin and tilting her head upwards with it.

Bringing my face closer to her ear, parting my lips and letting out low, deep sigh, then asking again.

"Who. The fuck. Are you?"

She remained still silent, until I dug my blade into her neck a bit, poking at the skin, daring to penetrate it.

She let out a high pitched yelp and mumbled something inaudible.

I turned the blade and dragged it down her neck slowly and roughly, digging into the skin harder now.

Her yelp was louder now, the sound lingering as her blood started to flow from her neck.

"I'm with the extermination brigade. You took one of our... associates and now we have orders to take you out."

"Then I won't feel bad."

"About wha-" I cut her off. Literally. I slit her neck.

The blood started to spray out and I finally knew why I felt like I was being watched...because I was.

Fuck the list, I have a new mission.

Take down the Brigade and avoid the cops.

I searched her now lifeless and limp body, found a pink six shooter and her phone, her contacts were very cryptic but this would no doubt be extremely useful to me.

I slipped out of costume and into my regular attire, shoving the costume into my backpack along with my gun and the one that girl had on her, the phones I'd collected and my folded katana.

I didn't bother cleaning this mess, I didn't plan on getting caught though, so I made it appear as if she'd started a fire in the house, making my way out the back door and leaving it to burn.

I weighed my options, running through backyards or using the sidewalk, until I saw the cherry red Ferrari parked in my driveway.

Fuck, the keys must still be on her.

I looked back at the house, decided whether I should run back in or not.

The flames were raging by now and the house was starting to crumble, definitely not.

I ran over to the car anyways, seeing the keys were in the ignition already.

I hopped in and started to drive. Far. Until I found a little diner in buttfuck nowhere.

I decided to call up one of those cryptic contacts and say I needed a ride, it'd be a good start.

A start to take these fuckers down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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