Chapter 1: The Collision

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Ananya hurried down the crowded hallway of her university, her books and laptop precariously balanced in her arms. She was running late for her first lecture of the day, a common occurrence due to her late-night study sessions and dance practice. The corridors buzzed with the chatter of students, the vibrant energy of the campus palpable in the air.

In her rush, Ananya didn't notice the tall figure walking towards her until it was too late. They collided, and her books and papers scattered across the floor. She quickly knelt down to gather her things, mumbling apologies. As she looked up, she found herself staring into the eyes of Arjun, the most handsome boy in the university. His chiseled features and charming smile took her breath away.

"I'm so sorry," she stammered, her cheeks flushing.

"No, it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention," Arjun replied, his voice warm and friendly. He bent down to help her gather her belongings, their hands briefly touching.

Ananya felt a jolt of electricity at the contact, quickly pulling her hand back. She gathered her things and stood up, offering a shy smile. "Thank you," she said, her heart racing.

"Anytime," Arjun replied with a grin, his eyes lingering on her for a moment longer before he continued down the hallway.

Ananya watched him go, her mind reeling from the unexpected encounter. She had seen Arjun around campus before, always surrounded by a group of admirers. He was not only handsome but also intelligent and kind, traits that made him even more irresistible. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she hurried to her lecture, her mind still buzzing with the memory of their brief interaction.

Throughout the day, Ananya found it hard to concentrate. Her thoughts kept drifting back to Arjun, wondering if he remembered their encounter as vividly as she did. She chided herself for being silly. Someone like Arjun would hardly remember a random collision in the hallway.

That evening, Ananya made her way to the dance studio for her Bharatanatyam practice. Dance was her passion, her escape from the rigors of academic life. As she moved gracefully across the floor, the rhythm of the music guiding her every step, she felt a sense of peace and clarity wash over her.

Unbeknownst to her, Arjun had wandered into the auditorium. He had been passing by when he heard the music and was drawn in by the beauty of the dance. Mesmerized, he watched Ananya, her movements fluid and graceful. When the dance ended, he found himself applauding loudly, startling her.

Ananya turned, surprised to see Arjun sitting there. "Arjun! What are you doing here?" she asked, her heart pounding.

"I was passing by and heard the music. I couldn't resist watching," he admitted, standing up and walking towards her. "You're incredible. I've never seen anyone dance like that."

"Thank you," Ananya replied, her cheeks flushing with pleasure. "It means a lot coming from you."

From that day on, Arjun started showing up at Ananya's dance practices more often. They began to spend more time together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Ananya found herself looking forward to their interactions, her feelings for Arjun deepening with each encounter.

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