Story 5

15 1 0

(Michael's POV)

I woke up at 4am again rubbing my eyes and going downstairs to get a glass of water.

I noticed that Luke was curled up in a ball with a blanket thrown over him.

"Wow" I mumbled at the idiot. He didn't go home after I went upstairs... He needs to stop worrying about me. I told him I was fine.

"Mikey?" Luke said in his raspy voice sitting up slightly. "What are you doing up? Is everything alright? Do you need help with something?"

"Luke calm down. I came down to get some water. I'm fine like I said earlier."

"Well okay" he said laying back down onto the uncomfortable couch.

I came and sat in the chair next to him looking at him.

"What?" He said looking at me with droopy eyes, probably from lack of sleep.

He worries about me too much. He usually waits for me to go to sleep and then he falls asleep a couple hours later. It worries me how much he cares. I don't deserve anyone like Luke. He's my best friend and I want him to know that I love him.

I never came out of the closet and even Luke doesn't know. He's helped me with my self-harm, depression, and a lot of my panic attacks. I've told him everything about me. I even allow him to dye my hair for me, but I've never told him I was gay and I wasn't planning to ether. I feel like he would think I was weird and not like me anymore. He would hate me and probably think I was disgusting.

"What?" I replied trying to cover up my blank stare into space.

"What are you thinking about. I know that face."

"Nothing nothing I'm fine.." I laughed a bit still being a bit nervous.





"Shut up. Now tell me what's wrong." He said getting to the point.

Instead of answering I went upstairs to my room without looking back and shutting the door. I know I shouldn't treat Luke like this because he deserves to know, but every time I'm around him I get this urge to just tell him right away. I couldn't let that happen.

"Michael please, tell me what's up" he said from the other side of the door.

"You'll hate me" I said below a whisper hoping he wouldn't hear, but he did.

"I wouldn't. Mikey I've known you almost all your life. When have I ever hated you or even got mad at you. Other than that time you stole my candy and blamed it on Calum.."

"You would hate me for this" I said opening the door. He let out a gasp when he saw the tears flooding down my face and he pulled me into his arms telling me its going to be okay.



"I love you."

"I love you too Mikey."

"No.. Luke." I said pulling my face out of his tear stained shoulder. "I love you."

"What do you mean Michael?" He said looking at me with big eyes. Almost with a surprised look.

"Luke I'm gay."

"You're.. You're what?" He said sitting me across from him scaring me a bit. "No that I don't support gays.. Just. Are you sure?"

I nodded expecting to be rejected and him to run out of the room muttering the word 'fag' or something, but instead a pair of lips met mine. I was shocked at first, but then I kissed back and he pulled away.

"I've been wanting to do that for awhile" he said laughing a bit and pulling me into his arms.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

621 words. You're welcome.

Idk about this chapter. I might make it private because idk if I like it or not.

Thanks for reading.

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